So, let’s say you’ve been psyching yourself up about eating your own cum all week. It’s all you’ve thought. The big night comes, you’re turned on, got your favorite porn going, you can feel the orgasm coming, you’re excited, this is it! You’re gonna fucking eat that fucking cum! Oh shit… IT’S HAPPENING! OH FUCK! Yessssssss, stream after stream of thick, warm cum shooting all over your belly in all its sloppy glory. You look down at it all, glistening on your tummy in the light. You scoop some up with your fingers, raise them to your lips AND…
Not fucking happening.
The mood is totally gone.
Suddenly, the thought of eating your own cum is now the furthest thing from your mind and all you want to do is clean up and get back to playing video games.
I’ve been there too. When I was younger I spent a lot of time trying to psych myself up to eat my own cum but I always ended up chickening out. Believe it or not, it’s actually SUPER common for the desire to wane after you’ve ejaculated.
In fact, just do a quick google search over mental blocks about eating your own cum and your find tons of forum threads filled with people talking about the mental block and shame that keeps them from fulfilling their cum eating fantasies.
Unfortunately, you’ll also find a lot of homophobic responses, replies teeming with toxic masculinity, and a lot of really, really bad advice.
Note: please, do NOT attempt the “climb your feet up the wall and aim your cumshot directly into your mouth” method. Not only is this super uncomfortable and messy, but you can also completely fuck up your back and/or neck should you lose your footing.
Here’s the thing though: you don’t have to jump right into scooping a whole palm full of your cum into your mouth, and you don’t even have to swallow your cum straight up. Here are 4 tips on how to take your time and enjoy your cum at your own pace:
1. Edge and Snack on Your Pre-Cum
Little bites, y’all! The next time you find yourself feeling curious, take your time with the whole thing by edging yourself for a while. Build yourself up to the edge of an orgasm, but stop just before one occurs, to draw out the amount of time it takes for you to climax, and to intensify the sensation of your orgasm. Doing so also tends to get your pre-cum flowing a lot too, which provides the perfect opportunity to take little licks and tastes of you mess without fully committing to a whole mouthful. With practice, you can literally edge yourself for hours. Believe me…
So, when the mood strikes, and you have an hour or so to spare, start teasing and stroking yourself slowly. I find that reading some hentai or sex comics, watching porn, or looking at lewds really helps increase arousal and improves the overall flow of pre-cum you can get going. If you get close to ejaculating, take your hands off of yourself completely and let the orgasm sensation dissipate until it is completely gone, then go back to playing.
As you do this you’ll likely build up quite a drizzle, so, dab that shit up with your finger and give it a taste! This will give you a better idea of what your cum will taste like at that time and, hopefully, will leave you craving more.
2. Eat Your Cum on Food
Not even joking here. One of my personal favorite ways to eat my own cum is by mixing it into a meal, or, just ejaculating onto a piece of cake or into a pudding cup or something. Not only is it hot as fuck, but if you’re worried about taste and texture this is a great way to slowly ease yourself into the whole thing through associating your cum with delicious flavors and it generally being a “treat”.
Some of my personal favorite things to eat cum with are: chocolate pudding, chocolate bars/cakes, most flavors of ice cream, pastries, and peanut butter sandwiches.
3. Unpack What Anxieties or Fears May Be Holding You Back
Be it strictly out of curiosity, for fetish fulfillment, or any other reason, if you’re REALLY struggling to get past the mental block it may be beneficial to ask yourself what’s really holding you back from doing it.
Are you afraid of the taste your cum might have? Are you put off by how it looks after you ejaculate? Are you worried that eating it will somehow “make you gay” or otherwise subvert your sexuality or gender identity?
In each of these cases there are absolutely ways to work through them. For example, if you’re worried about taste then it may be time to re-consider your diet as what you eat can certainly affect the flavor of your semen [note: link contains gendered language] And if you’re worried about “turning gay”, don’t be. You don’t turn queer from eating your own cum… or do you…?
I mean, I eat my cum and I’m queer as fuck!
But seriously though, eating your own cum does NOT make you gay or define your sexuality in any way…. or does it!?
4. Ask For Some Help
If you’re in a relationship of some kind, be it monogamous, non-monogamous, polyamorous, or strictly sexual, include your partner[s], lover[s], friend[s], or fuck buddy[/ies]! Let them know about your desire to try eating your own cum and see if they may be interested in helping. I happen to be polyamorous, so, I have awesome partners who enjoy giving me a hand.
Nowadays I enjoy a wide variety of ways to eat my own cum with partners. Sometimes they’ll suck my cock then make out with me, pushing it all into my mouth with their tongue. Sometimes they’ll jerk me off and order me to lick their hand, or anywhere else I’ve ejaculated, clean. Sometimes I’ll fuck them and creampie them then immediately go down on them, licking them, sucking them, and tasting my cum from their tight holes. Other times we’ll masturbate together and they’ll excitedly whisper fro me to eat it, which makes me really hot an definitely gets me really in the mood.
But I’m also eating my own cum on my own all the time now. Very rarely do I wipe up my mess after ejaculating. I delight in eating my cum! It’s delicious, sexy, and a significantly easier way of dealing with post orgasmic bliss.
Now go forth and challenge that shitty mental block! Have fun, but if you ultimately decide that eating your own cum just isn’t your thing, that’s cool too. Worst case scenario, you’ll have jerked off a ton, learned how fun edging can be, and have had a sandwich. Sounds like a good day to me either way.
I started sucking the cock of one particular person and now it is a done deal! I love it but the one person is in a state very far away. I have sucked him off over 50 times (and swallow) and it is a delightful habit now!!!
Getting his cum down (swallowing) after he cums in my mouth is still a small challenge, but the reward of the lingering , residual taste in my mouth makes it so very worth the effort!!! Keep up all the cock-sucking everyone!!!
Oh yes.
…..and the fellow really loves having me suck him off and to have me swallow his cum! It puts a definite skip in his step!!!
I did eat my own cum while I was fucking myself with a huge 10 inch dildo. I’d place the dildo up against the wall and start to jack off while I kept banging my dildo and when I came I really shot a handful of juicy delicious cum and I immediately jammed it into my cum hungry mouth. It was the best fuck and cum eating expeirnce I had. try it you will love it.
I’d love to try it.. from the source!
but I’m probably too far from you.. I live in a little town at the base of a 14,162′ volcano near CA/OR border..
have fun!😈
Very hot. I will try that
Here’s a good way to learn. Cum in a shot glass, cover it, put it in the fridge. Wait a couple hours and return to the fridge, warm it up using hot boiling water and sit the glass down inside without the water touching the top. Once it’s wrist warm, let it drip into your mouth. You can imagine anything about where it’s coming from, your wife’s pussy, your friend’s cock.
Sounds great , Ill try this , but I really can’t wait to get it from the source. 😊😁
I did it! Finally! I have wanted to eat my cum for a long time. I have eaten it a few times before. Twice I had my wife “force” me to eat it and I loved it. I have been able to eat it three or four times in the past, but by the time I worked up the courage, it was cold and not as exciting. I have read this blog countless times trying. Unfortunately, I have been unsuccessful. I ran across a website of a guy that masturbates and squirts on things, including food. I made up my mind that I was gonna do it. My wife is away on business, so I have the house to myself.I went to the grocery store and bought high end, expensive, and beautiful single serving desserts. I kept talking myself up all afternoon. After supper, I took off all my clothes and made a video of myself explaining how much I wanted to eat cum and what I was going to do. My little penis was drooling! I was so excited. I let the excitement build for a while and then took a shower. When I was dry, I set everything up. I took pictures of the expensive hand decorated vanilla cupcake. I then made a closeup video of my penis and the cupcake as I jerked. (I have ED, so I don’t get hard without Viagra, but flaccid orgasms and tugging, shaking, rubbing under the head like a clit, and jiggling my limp penis actually feels even better than when I jacked off with a rock hard cock!) I felt my orgasm approaching quickly so I stopped to let it arrive without stimulation. White cum dripped out, one small drop, then a larger drop, then a large drop, then I felt it flow up the limp shaft and a long fast steady stream. The. My orgasm arrived and my little penis spasmed, once, twice, three, four times, squirting cum all over the cupcake. I let the orgasm subside and gently squeezed and milked the remaining goo onto the cupcake. I took pictures of the cupcake, glistening with my cum, looking absolutely delicious. I then filmed myself eating the cum covered cupcake. I was so happy, excited, horny, relieved, etc. I then started editing my videos and pictures. I was so happy to finally have done it. In fact I was so excited, I retrieved another dessert a little while later and repeated the process, only lost the urge to eat it when done. I was so disappointed. About fifteen minutes later, I wanted to eat it and did. It was wonderful. The next day, I wanted to eat more. I did it again, and lost interest. However, ten minutes later, I was ready and ate it. Tonight, I did it again, and lost interest, but five minutes later, I ate it. I bet tomorrow I will eat my cum immediately. All the pictures and videos I made really excite me and give me confidence. I am proud to say, I am a cum eater. I like eating my cum. I will continue to eat my cum. Cum is delicious. I just wish I had succeeded earlier in life, I could have eaten so much more cum! I LOVE EATING MY OWN CUM!
omg. i have eaten my cum a few times. but, i still struggle. one time, specifically, if was so delicious. omg. i was watching a porn and they were cummming on her face. it was beautiful. it was amazing. omg, and i had to taste it. it was wild. it was wonderful. i ate my own cum, and it was the most delicious thing i’ve ever tasted. but, i just can’t get my mind into that state, again. it was so delicious. it was wild. i love it. i want to taste it, again, it was delicious. omg.
That sounds so hot. I am masturbating right now and will eat my pre cum
Getting past the mental block is a real achievement. It took me years before I was doing it as naturally as breathing. Strangely, I never had a problem swallowing other men’s semen. Soggy biscuits were pretty common with my friends for several years, and I would purposely hold off on cumming until the last one, so I could be the one eating the biscuit. I enjoyed them watching and commenting while I finished the snack.
Ric Carter
I remember being in my early 20s back in the early 2000s and discovering sex/porn genres such as “cumshots”, & literally bought a porn DVD called “Cumshots” which was quite good back in the day. This eventually led to my discovery and love of gangbang and bukkake porn where one person would end of with multiple, sometimes dozens of people cumming in the face, on their body and down their throat. As a young hormone raging 20 something I became obsessed and yes finally curious what all this cum would feel like shooting across my own face or down my own throat. Eventually discovering GGG and Japanese bukkake porn which is still a fav. I discovered edging early on and mastered it by my early 20s and combined with hours of watching bukkake, I would shoot off 8-10 blast ropes of cum nearly every time. Finally one day alone after a pre cum dripping multiple hours long edge session I couldn’t take it anymore. I ran to the bathroom after edging to GGG bukkake porn threw my legs over my head and took 10 blasts of thick cum to the face. Some got in my mouth but I spit it out this time. I was covered. Immediately after this first time I lost that desire after cumming and felt so weirded out by what I had done. I couldn’t process the thought of someone else finding out that I did this and up until I was done, enjoyed. I feel guilt and shame but as I got older was comfortable with my sexual exploration. I would do this again several times over the next few months, eventually taking 10 blast ALL in my mouth, filling it up. I would continue to lose that feeling and spit it out. It was hot and I was enjoying it. As time went on I was in relationships and put this on the back burner, probably not cumming in my mouth again for several years. I got back into it again later on eventually swallowing my whole load. I’ve never shared this with my gfs at the time or now wife. I am older now and really have to be extra horny to get in the mood. I have recorded several hot sessions and posted on the web before (I get off to people commenting). I have remained a straight male. I love CUM, my own cum and honestly love looking at large cocks but really hate and think men are otherwise unattractive and disgusting so I’ve never had a real desire to try anything with a man besides myself. I am currently on a lifelong quest to suck my own cock though. I’ve been close but can’t thus far. Anyway I’m getting horny writing this! Hope you enjoyed.
I’ve been “edging” for years, it took a while to get the hang of it (consistently, reliably), but I did get to the point where I could produce a decent fingerful of pure cum, without actually experiencing an orgasm. Of course, the lust for my cum was still there (because I hadn’t got that post orgasm let down) so I really enjoyed myself, and then I would either finish off, or just leave it at that. But still, whenever I felt horny, I still imagined myself eating a complete load.
The next step for me anyways was when I learned to bring myself up to the point of no return, and then to take my hand away. So I would have an orgasm (throb and pump) while my cock bobbed up and down but I withheld the friction that my cock seemed almost desperate for. And believe me, that was real difficult. Very difficult. But then (and maybe this only works for me, people are different) since I had rubbed all the way through my orgasm, it seems almost as if my body wasn’t flush with those “wet blanket hormones” that I otherwise had to put up with.
So, long story short, I had a palmful of warm cum, and not much (but yes, a little) resistance to eating it. Not nearly as much resistance as usual (if I had masturbated through). So I ate it and felt a tiny bit “ugh”, yeah, but it didn’t hold me back. So I licked that all up and figured I had jumped a pretty major hurdle. And I felt good about that. Major breakthrough. Yeah?
And then one day I licked up a palmful, my cock was still erect, so I put my hand to it and got a little bit more for my effort (actually very little) but I think I experienced the “end” of orgasm. And maybe, mentally, I had sort of “given up” so I licked that little bit up as well.
The final breakthrough came a few days later, when I tried again, let it pump on it’s own, withheld my hand, and after my palmful had collected a lot, I put my hand back on myself and got the end of it. And THEN I ate it. And I really enjoyed it. But here is the kicker, I didn’t enjoy it in a lustful sense (as I used to when I edged) I enjoyed it because it ACTUALLY DID taste and feel good, and also because I felt real good about myself.
So now I can do it all the time, and in fact I haven’t used a tissue for a few months now and I hope I never will. I took a lot of pictures for my girlfriend, and maybe that help to boost my motivation to see this through in the first place.
Great advice
Here’s a trick I learned to get around that instant mental block that occurs instantly after orgasm to eating your own cum. When the desire to taste and eat your own cum is upon you, and it can be a very strong desire, find a quiet comfortable place and start stroking your penis. Enjoy the sensations, and the excitement of soon tasting and feeling the texture of warm fresh semen. Its mesmerizing. When you’re ready, gently slip a finger into your anus and stroke your prostate. Rub it, stroke it, whatever feels good. It is yet another pleasurable sensation. As you stroke your penis, and prostate, you will find yourself reaching the point of no return. Then stop the penis stroking, but continue with prostate massage. Its a bit of a balancing act, but at that point, I can feel the orgasm subside, but also the semen moving through the “pipeline”. The full orgasm is avoided, but a ~ teaspoon of cum gushes forth. Most importantly, the desire to taste and feel its texture is still strong, and you can now satisfy that desire. It was a lightbulb moment. As a bonus, after enjoying the first tasting, you can go back to stroking your penis and prostate, and do it again. There’s still more semen hiding in the prostate, and its yours to get. I’ve been able to do it three times. Its a matter of discipline. And since you’re in control, you can finish it off with a full orgasm. But strangely, the final splash of cum is instantly not appetizing any longer. Strange phenomenon, but such is life.
I don’t know if you monitor your comment here but this is one of the best suggestions I’ve ever heard. I can’t wait to give it a try. Thank you for sharing!
It sure is. Very exciting
I agree 100 %, I never felt so sexy and alive, experimenting with who I am and how I am a latent trans woman, who loves everything about being a woman. Being true to myself and living as a woman is a exhilarating challenge I cherish.
I tried chocolate pudding but couldn’t eat it. But it got me an idea that has been kind of working. While mastubating and getting close, I put a hard candy(or chocolate) in my mouth. It gives me time to prepare what is coming and usually they leave a taste of the candy in my mouth so my own cum might taste like the candy or something like that. It works as a sort of cum countdown where I try to cum when I finish the candy. Then I put legs over my head and cum. Do not put your legs over your head while you have the candy in your mouth! I hope my english is good enough and makes any sense.
I was always told my cum is sweet.. I always figured the ladies and guys were just ‘being nice’..
but they were serious.. I verified! I don’t know why, I rarely eat sugar or processed foods.. maybe it’s because I don’t drink/smoke? whatever.. I’m fun to be with.. ask my wife.. 48 years together!
mix your cum into whipped butter flavored with a small dollop of honey or maple syrup.. if you don’t like your taste, it’ll mask unpleasant bitter/sour/salty notes.. gradually cut the sugars, then reduce the butter.. ta da! now you’re just eating cum..
Many women nowadays are really into eating their girlfriend’s cum. Go figure.
I was afraid of eating my own cum for along time untill one day i finaiiy did it and now i cant stop myself now i want to eat somebody elses
Yes I am the same way
You will like it
You will enjoy it
You will enjoy it I love tasting my cum
My cum tastes amazing
Shoot into a small glass, cover it up, and then put it away. About 2 hours later, revisit the glass with cum eating porn, and a 2nd empty small glass.
Pour the cum from one glass to the next, dripping the residue into your mouth and swallowing it. Essentially feeding yourself, but also getting used too it.
Feeding yourself, if you’re a true cum whore, will drive you crazy. Then shoot in the glass again and cover it up again… 2 hours later, repeat.
If you shoot into a condom fine, but it helps to have something to break it up where you’re not pouring the entire thing down your gullet and you almost puke LOL.
Hey everyone I been trying to get over the actual fear of doing it for the last couple of years but I can’t do it. But the funny thing is that crave it so bad with out even doing it. I really want to eat cum in general from myself or someone else but it never happens I want to do it really bad.
I am the same way i want it so bad . when i cum i just keep jacking my dick real slow with that cum. Feels so good.
That is hot
I am going to try it today hopefully I will do it lol
Let me know when you do
This is what you do cause it is what I do After my orgasm and I am looking at it I tell myself that that I have been craving it so bad that I just make myself eat my cum cause after an orgasm it when you cum the most I promise you that if you make yourself go ahead and eat it You will be so proud of your self and say Now that wasn’t so bad And you will eat your own cum for now on When made myself eat my own cum I was hooked I tell myself Don’t you ever waist anymore cum cause you worked hard for it so reward yourself by eating your own cum Eat some friut about a hour before you jackoff and it will taste awesome Good luck
Thank you for the advise, I haven’t been able to do it i want it so bad tho I be trying your tips and advise right now and hopefully i do it I let you know
Same man im not even gay but i want to eat cum. Im hoping to find someone in my area who could help me this i want him to be of my age or little older.
Where is your area
I live in Manchester
im in brick,we are not far
im in brick 59
It is wonderful to hear of you wanting to taste and to swallow some cum!! You are to be congratulated for the wonderful pursuit!!!!
black cock mmmmmm lots of cum
new to eating my cum. really like it a lot. but where to find a chat or forum to talk about it?
Wife feed me my cum after a hand job said I needed to clean it all from her hand hate to say was a real turn on .Been wanting to eat on my own but always stop before I do .
.How do you make yourself do it
Same here
I like eating my own cum also
anyone near brick nj?
I am about 1:2 hr away
I am about 1/2 hr away
maybe we can talk
[email protected]
I believe I could swallow another guys cum before I cum.
I have never done M M but I believe this is a way to really enjoy it.
I would like to taste yours
It’s amazing I promise
I sure you will love it
I’m in Tuckerton
Almost everyone who wants to eat their own cum has difficulty carrying that out after an orgasm. The problem has to do with the hormonal changes that take place after orgasm, which totally throws cold water on your sexual desires. After orgasm, you don’t even want to have sex. Of course you won’t want to eat your own cum. But after lots of experimentation (and I have found that edging, if you do it very carefully) I discovered the best way (for me) to succeed. It’s very similar to edging. I keep myself as close to orgasm for as long as I can (involves backing off and resting a little several times) then when I am ready to “go for the gold” I proceed very very carefully to that edge, applying a little more friction, then a tiny little bit more, then maybe only even a very gentle squeeze, and then….. I go just an itsy bitsy more and LET MYSELF go over the edge BUT (and here is the really important part) when I stop applying friction, and I can feel myself go over, I let it happen BUT I DON’T FINISH MYSELF OFF. What happens is that I feel the throbs of orgasm, my erection bobs up and down, warm semen drops into my outstretched hand, but although every sense is crying out for my touch, I don’t do that at all. It is HANDS OFF all the way. When I do it that way, I actually cum, I produce pretty nearly a full load (it’s also a good idea to let the production build up for two or three days before trying this) and I find that I don’t have nearly the resistance to eating my cum as I would if I kept masturbating throughout. It must have something to do with the amount of hormonal response I stimulate. Try it and good luck.
It is true that there is basicly a certain restraint to eating cum, especially just when you ejaculated. I had the same feeling over and over, looking at nice girls/boys dripping with cum, creampies, facials…and just wanting, urging, to lick that cum off, masturbating hard, then ejaculating and suddenly it was all over. As in the article I started then ejaculating in or over food and drinks, that was OK but mainly to overcome the urge just not the eat it plain and clean. Then one day I was masturbating (once again) and just as I was unloading in the palm of my hand, my girlfriend came home. No more time to get a tissue, rush of to the bathroom, so the only option was to simply eat it of my hand. Best thing ever happened and since that “forced” eating, nowadays I don’t even have tissues next to me when I masturbate. I always eat my own cum and enjoy the taste, even when I just came and it is still warm and sticky. I am married but have from time to time a gay encounter with a friend, who is also married and wherever we shoot our load, we always end eating our own or eachothers load. It is true, you can taste the difference in cum according to what you’ve been eating. So don’ bother, don’t do bizarre things and eat you own as soon as you overcame the restraint of it, it’s healty and it saves you a lot of tissues and towels. Enjoy also from time to time another man his load, it is really enjoyable too, even mixing the two loads. Bon appetit!
That’s how I did it. Stuck at home and in my room quarantining from my girl. I started to jack it and had been edging most of the day. I was taking it easy and wanted to save to full load for her, hoping to get a nice cum-kiss. When i stopped I was able to ooze out quite the load and there was no second thought but to lick it off my thumb and forefinger. I was so proud of myself because I cannot usually do this. It was AWESOME!!
I’m not sure if I’m on to something or not, but this is what works for me more often than not (but not always). I get myself really really close, as close as I possibly can without coming, just barely close enough to edge, and then – here’s where it gets a little tricky – I apply one more touch to put me just over the edge…. now I know I’ve probably gone too far and I actually start to orgasm (and at this point I almost always give up on my attempt to edge figuring I’ve lost it, gone too far, and in fact I have gone too far, and my penis is just begging for strokes, BUT if I deny it, and let my erection bob up and down a few times and throb a little and ejaculate (really ejaculate not just “edge”) into my hand, somehow I still have enough gumption to do it (lick up my semen). If I had to explain it then maybe it’s like I’m not getting the full hormone cocktail that usually accompanies a full orgasm, and while it’s not quite as easy as I imagine it could or should be, still, it’s not as totally off-putting as if I stroke through my orgasm. I’ve actually gotten what I figure is a few full loads this way (and yummy yummy in my tummy LOL)
I think that’s a “ruined” orgasm.
I’m so happy to read this. This is exactly my technique. It takes some practice with the timing, but it works and gets easier every time. Almost a full load gone and swallowed in a few well timed increments and no orgasm yet.
It’s as hot as you imagine it is, especially when it’s before you orgasm.
I’ve found this works for me too. Better than precum because it’s thicker. And because you haven’t illy orgasmed you can enjoy the warmth and thickness on your tongue for a while.
How did you get it in your own ass?
I do this all of the time, in fact I have become a cumslut which is awesome, I Shaved my legs and underarms and waxed my chest and cock and balls.
I actually ate my full load on my way to work this morning, it was very hot in my back vstring women’s panties
I have sucked cock and been fucked and wanted to swallow a guys load but it never happened.. I am married and love my wife, but also really enjoy a nice load of cum in my mouth and throat…
I have wanted to suck dick since I was a youngster. I just turned 51 and have yet to suck a dick. I am currently engaged to be married and I do not enjoy having sex with her. I would rather jack off than stick my dick in her pussy! For the past five or six years I have been looking at tranny porn and I am loving it. This is all I can think about, sucking tranny cock and playing with her tits, the best of both worlds!!!! I have been toying with eating my own cum for a while now. I have tried several times and chickened out every time. I have shot my load on some food and then just dab it off with a napkin or took it out with a spoon. I don’t know why I cannot eat my own cum, I eat my precum all the time! I really want to try sucking dick and swallowing a load!!!!
how far away from Mt Shasta Calif are you?
seriously, it’s not that bad.. I used to swing MM, MMM, MF.. started at 11…
mostly MF but 25%-30% MM+… in West LA/ Venice areas.. stopped in ’80 when I got married.. MM is still my ‘go-to’ fantasy when alone..
I used to be told a lot that it ‘tastes like honey’, ‘so good’.. By both sexes.. I thought it was just that they were in the mood for play & an ego booster..
well, I finally tried it a few months ago; they were right! I never tasted another guy like me.. don’t know why, I hardly eat sweet stuff except fruit.. no salty/bitterness at all.. don’t smoke or drink or do fast food..
go for it.. it’s kind’ve fun.. think of it as ‘recycling’!!
I am in Nebraska
nice place.. I worked at a big roofing company in Omaha.. way back when Papillion was mostly still prairie..
take care..
Hey Michael, I’ve eaten cum many times. I’m just north of you.
Hello James, how far north? Can you send me some pics?
I am too. Lincoln here.
Where in Nebraska?? I’m currently living in Nebraska
Hey, I’m the same except I’m not engaged and I’m still young. Keep trying to get yourself to eat your own cum and sucking a dick you will find that you will end up doing one or the other eventually.
I’m straight (never had a MM experience) and married but I also fantasize a lot about sex with a guy. I’m pretty sure (as sure as I can be) that I would suck a guy off and take his semen (and really enjoy it) but I guess you never know for sure until you try it
I have always wanted to eat cum , I have fantasy s of jerking off on a dildo and then fucking my asshole , I just can’t stop thinking about it
Hey I’m 45 and horny
try freezing it
works for me
im like the taste of warm cum and the warm feeling inside me once you get use to get you will want more and more
I know that
i meet someone on line and he freeze his cum once a month and sends it to me and we go on video before and after i recieve his cum i defost it and eat his cum on video as he watchs.
love it so hot
I’m a cross dressing sissy acting like I boyfriend off and when I cum.its such a turn on I love shoot in my mouth or all.over my face
any anal brad,location im in brick
That sounds so sexy
Yeah I always wanted a friend We can just play around I like watching A guy come and well I’m watching porn I come a little bit on my dildo and lick it off ..
Wow, my exact same story/situation. I saw your post nearly 2 years after you posted it, update please.
I am a man and I love eating my cum and I do it all the time I eat all the cum I can get
It’s so fun and such a turn on to eat your own cum I love to.and do at least three time a day
i try eating my cum,but i enjoy it when someone cums deep in my mouth and ass much much more
I would like to taste it
So just some background… I am a hard cum, it takes me two hours minimum to climax with a woman and I produce zero pre-cum.
So a couple of weeks ago I got much closer to getting all So a couple of weeks ago I got much closer to swallowing all of my load. I had the house to myself a couple of weekends ago and feeling a bit randy.
I put on some romantic music which I would never listen to and just started exploring. Edging has never really worked for me and it usually grants me a small dime sized amount of thinned down cum. About an hour into my play and getting a few drops here and there to swallow I was about to give up, hammer it home without any real tasty treat… but during my last attempt at edging I could feel cum filling my cock so I cupped my hand and squeezed out a palm full of cum I quickly brought it to my mouth and swallowed but as I was doing that I forgot to take my hand off my cock and climaxed which released the rest of my cum. As most of you know that mental block went up immediately and I couldn’t bring myself to scooping up the rest to eat. I was so close but did get to swallow the most to date
I’ve swallowed a bunch of loads many years ago.. couldn’t get myself to eat my own.. then I did it 4 months ago! it doesn’t taste like any other guys.. not salty.. not bitter.. actually “sweet” if anything..
I look forward to my protein snacks now…
Well done!!!!! You are “on your way”!!!’
About a year ago I posted here about my desire to taste my cum and that I had snowballed with my girlfriend but wanted to try it direct from the source. Well finally yesterday I did it. I edged for a while and after I couldn’t take it any longer I got in position. Legs over head, against the bed. I watched some good cum swapping porn and lubed up. I find I shoot further when I use a vibrator on my ahole. I knew this time was going to be different, and it was when I finally let go the first rope went long in my hair and forehead. The next 2 yummy shots, right in my mouth and it was AWESOME. Getting hard typing this and now have to decide if I tell the GF or keep it as my secret. She will figure it out when i don’t hesitate to eat her pussy after i fill it with with cum of when i lick up every drop when i cum on her face.
Last Wednesday after helping my GF move stuff out of her house we were relaxing. She asked me if I wanted naughty time to this I replied ” hell yes”. She said she was having her visit so I could cum on her or in her mouth. This made me hard and she took her top off and started giving me another amazing BJ. I asked her if I could cum on her face and she said absolutely. I told her I had not cum in a while and the load would be large. She kept whispering “cum on my face”. I shot some huge ropes onto her face and mouth and again without hesitation I kissed her cum covered mouth and got the biggest mouthful yet. I had to set down as my knees began to buckle and I admired my lovely cum on her face while enjoying it in my mouth and on her lips and tongue.
I got over the loss of urge by cumming into my hand and licking up that first rope as I was still horny and cumming. Had no issue at all doing that. Then for the next few weeks I would do that and every few days I would add an extra rope before licking it off my hand. At the end of the months I was able to finish cumming and slurp up the entire load immediately without hesitating. Fast forward a few months and I crave it all the time. Even when not horny. I can wait to lick it up, hold it in my mouth for as long as I want savoring the taste and texture, eat frozen cubes of cum, and now suck other men and swallow their cum. That’s become my favorite thing to do.
yes, the hell yes
I always wanted to suck other men and taste their cum. One day I’ll get enough nerve to do so.
One day I will to.
I to would love to suck cock
Me too!! That sounds hot!
We’ll if you can’t make it happen by your hand let my wife and I help we will get it on a dildoe for you and my wife can pump it in as far as it will go that night and or even shoot it in your ass w/ a turkey baster for you and still let her fuck your ass first for us but we wanna experience that with another person or prefer more the merrier let us know
It’s actually nice
I eat my own cum,would love to go down on a male now,I know he enjoy it and I would to
I’m in Pennsylvania you
Western pa here are you near me
I miss eating my c** and other guys I wish there was a way I could suck cock all the time
I have always wanted to swallow my own cum but had the same problem as most men.
I started doing to Asian massage parlors and saw the same girl about twice a month. Hand job was great and after 8 or 10 times with her I asked her to help me shoot in my mouth.
Took a while to get it right but now every time I see her I end up with my legs over her shoulders and I just open my mouth and she does the rest. Last week she got the whole load in my mouth.
Great time.
I cum on my Asian wife’s feet and then put her foot in my mouth.
I want to find one where I can get a handjob while wearing panties and I would want to sniff hers.
I had always wanted to try my own cum bit like most after cumming lose the desire, so I cummed into a condom set it aside for later. Told my girlfriend that I wanted to empty it onto her tits and clean it all up myself, while pretending it’s another mans cum!
What did she di?
I can also do the sane thing that you referenced, by sucking my own cock. But I don’t just get the tip, I can get the full 7 1/2 inches in my mouth. Deep throat it!! Its fucking great!!! Lucky me I guess!!
yes lucky you, wish I could do that
I am only 6 inches- sucking my own cock was easy when i was in my teen & skinny but now old and fat- I miss it
I hear that, not gay, even a little but auto fellatio was always a turn on. Almost always stopped short of ejaculating that way don’t know why. The thought of finishing that way really exicited me. To old and inflexable now, But the thought of tasting my semen still persists. Married, and love sex with my wife.
When I cum I shoot it in a shot glass. Then freeze, the next time I masturbate I take the shot glass out the freezer and just dump the whole thing in my mouth. Being frozen it has little taste, mostly like frozen water. But its the thought knowing you’re eating your cum that’s hot.
I love licking my cum out of my wife’s pussy. I fantasized about it for years. Then during sex I told my wife I wanted to lick her pussy clean after I filled her up. She said “okay ” very excitedly. When I came I had no interest in doing it. Finally after sex, we were cuddling and I told her ” I wish you had made me lick your pussy after I came in you ” We waited a week to have sex and all week we texted each other about me licking her beautiful cum filled pussy. Before we started, she strapped me down to the bed spread eagle and started stroking and sucking my cock. When I was getting close, she straddled me, sliding my hard cock into her beautiful pussy. As she rode my cock she told me “once you cum and fill me up, I am going to sit my cum filled pussy on your open mouth and you are going to swallow anything and everything that comes out of my pussy. She kept calling me her creampie licker. I finally unloaded a huge load deep in her. My cock kept pumping. She said that’s it baby the more you pump in me the more you get to swallow. As my cock started to shrink, she reached back, grabbed my balls and said I will pull and squeeze hard if you don’t open your mouth. I opened my mouth and she moved up and sot her cum filled and dripping pussy on my face and mouth. I had to swallow twice to keep from choking. She rode my face and mouth until I licked her clean. She said we are doing this every time for the foreseeable future. She had to forcible sit on my mouth 5 more times, until I laid there and accepted the fact that I was going to lick her clean. I willing suck and lick her without a slight hesitation. I love laying next to her and anticipating her sitting her beautiful cum filled pussy on my mouth so I can lick, suck and swallow all my cum out of her pussy.
I posted this last September. Since then I have licked my cum off her tits, off her puss, off her stomach, out of her pussy, (My favorite is still her straddling my face and mouth lowering her self to my mouth. I love the warm feeling of our mixed cum hitting the back of my throat. As she sits there pushing my cum out she usually says something like: “I am glad you wanted this and you are my cum slut.” or “I am so glad I don’t have to run to the bathroom any more.” When she is dominant she will tell me to stick my tongue in her and get my cum out. She loves fucking my face after most of it has drained into my mouth and I have swallowed it.
Lately during the week she has had me lay on the floor with my legs up the side of the bed and she will lay on the bed and watch me play with myself as she pulls on my sack and helps aim it at my face and mouth. She has put me on a diet and said she wants to see if I can suck my own cock with my legs over my head.
Hey Steve,
Yeah it’s perfect bliss once you become accustomed to eating it. My girlfriend started my training as soon as we started dating. She didn’t like swallowing so she bartered a deal. During all future blowjobs, she would alternate kissing me and sucking so I could eat any and all my precum. Then once I was finished pumping my load into her mouth , she spit it all back , babybird style, ensuring all my entire loads were recycled . She proudly stated , that the gentlemanly thing to do after all blowjobs was to eat all my cum mess. I’ve always ate my cum from a young age when possible. When I was younger, at times it was very pungent and harder to swallow. Now I’m mid 50’s, it’s super sweet and easy to eat. Cheers my fellow cum eating friend. Greg, Alexandria Va
Omg you are living the dream my friend! Any lady that makes you lick your own sperm from her hot snatch is a keeper!
I have a small dick and shoot a small dribbling load of cum. I want my wife to invite a few guys over to use her and fill her pussy so I can lick her clean after.
OMG! I wish my wife would do this to me!
So I have been tasting my pre cum forever but couldn’t eat the full load after cumming. So I started saving it in a small container with a lid. Then I freeze it. After about 10 loads. ( I try and play everyday on my lunch break) . its about 3/4 of a cup. I start another session and let it thaw a bit. I take a swig and let the flavor fill my mouth. I swallow, jack some more and take another sip. Sometimes I use a little as lube and by the time I’m ready I am dripping from my mouth to my cock in my own cum. When I blow I shoot in the cup for my next session. I keep trying to fill the cup to the top but my hunger keeps me from getting it done. So far I have have a really full mouthful and love the after taste that lingers for a few hours after. I’m getting hungry as I write this.
Me and my wife tried the this role play and it was brillant,
About a week before I shot a big load of my cum onto some cling film and shaped it into a small ball (the best I could) then put it into the freezer. A week later when I’m horney as hell again my wife agreed that she’d put it inside her about 15 minutes before i’m due home from work. She also agreed for role play purposes that she’ll come up with a reason why her pussy is full of cum when I get home.
I wonderd all day what this could be until about 4pm I recieved a text from her saying that her creepy boss had just phoned and he needed to pop over to discuss a situation at work. He is coming over at 6pm and he said it shouldnt take long so he should be gone by the time I arrive home at 7:15pm.
At 6:15pm I got another text saying he’s making redundacys at work and will keep her on if she has sex with him, she asked me what she should do. As we needed the money I said have sex with him as long as he doesn’t come inside you (didn’t want to make it too easy for her)
Just before I left work at 7pm she text saying it’s done, I’ve still got my job.
This is the point where she takes the frozen cum out the freezr and pushes it deep inside her pussy giving her warm inside time to thaw it and warm it up nicely.
When I get home shes sat on the sofa in one of her summer dresses she like to wear looking upset. I sit next to her and ask whats wrong, “he promised he wouldn’t cum inside me like we agreed, but when fucking me doggy I felt his cock pumping its load inside me”.
I slowly lifted he dress up a little bit to reveal her panties with a big wet patch on them. I was instantly rock hard and got on my knees and pulled her panties down, more cum dribbled out down her thigh. I could smell the cum on her pussy and that was enough for me to bury my head between her legs and go to work cleaning her up.
I thought this was a fantasy more for me but as she has an orgasm within 30 seconds of me licking her clit I could tell she was turned on just as much as me. Next I bent her over the sette and put my cock inside her, the feeling of sloppy seconds and her pussy lubed up with cum was amazing, something everyman should experiance. Needless to say it wasn’t long before I shot my load inside her and when I pulled out I just sat for a minute watching all the cum slowly dribble out down her legs. We lay cuddling for 20 minutes, the smell of cum coming from her used pussy made me horny again so I took her upstairs and ate out the fresh cum, my tounge was in overdrive searching for every last drop of cum.
She confessed the next day that it really turned her on and wants to do it again in the future with a new scenerio
Holy fucking shit this is the HOTTEST roleplay scenario I’ve read in ages and I’m genuinely so happy for you both. If you do another play situation like this and want to share the details again, please do!
Such a hot idea!
Wife wouldn’t agree to it but I have always wondered what it would be like to have a load inside me, so I tried this and put in my ass this morning.
It’s hot knowing I have a load of cum in my ass.
What a great idea definitely going to try that myself.
That’s super hot. I shared my interest in eating my own cum with my lady. Her response was to tell me how hot she would find it. Then said “when the time is right it’ll be amazing”. We watched some porn over the next few fuck sessions and they included guys eating own cum. She was gauging my responses and hot talk etc. then one time she was laying back and letting me literally fuck her mouth, reached up and played with my ass which she knew would make me cum. I exploded and after a second I pulled out. I looked at her and her mouth was full except for a trail that she was letting drip down her chin. It was the hottest sight ever. Beautiful woman with my cum and her eyes were saying “now is the time… if you really want this”. A sexy dare, not a demand. And OMG did it work. Will forever be the sexiest kiss of my life. Now I eat it often (not every time) and from every part of her. Off her tits, ass, pussy, feet…even jacked off so she could watch and ate it for her pleasure. But that’s a story for another time.
i never eat my own cum,,always woman cum but i love it,maybe ill try with another guy
Damnit, that is so fucking hot! A real turn on.
Please keep me abreast of other role plays
Thank you
That’s hot got to try it
I love nice long masterbating sessions watching porn movies and working my cock up to a nice shot of cum i can lick off my fingers
Ive kissed my GF after cumming in her mouth. I cant seem to move to the point of licking it up when I have alone time. Be it off the table or my hand. I think right from the source would be best but i cant seem to him my face much less my mouth.
Ain’t nothing wrong with that being as much as you do right now! Did you enjoy it?
I do enjoy it and each time she gives me more and more back. When I’m jackin I really want to lick it up
I love to edge myself and get the precum to start oozing out it gets me so hot licking it off my fingers that i want more and more.
This is so cool to have found so many others there in the same kink that I am.
Over the years I found many different ways to eat my own jizz. Like most I also would lose interest right after cumming and reach for the tissues instead. But like in the other stories there are many ways around this.
My best always cum from visiting a female Dom. There was this one, I will always remember, it was mind blowing.
I had asked for a two girl session for 2 hours. I explained my desire to them and didn’t really make any ground rules, I told them they were free to use their imaginations. I did however explained that in the end I hoped that they could find a way for me to eat my own cum. This elicited smiles from both of them.
So they did this kind of Evil Dom/Nicer Dom play. One of them would be rough, inflicting some pain while the other would sooth me mostly by teasing and edging me. After a while I found myself in the middle of the room standing, legs spread far apart ankle cuffs chained in place. Wrists also in cuffs spread apart attached to hooks in the ceiling. Then eyes wide I watched in the mirror as Mistress Melissa walked up behind me while putting on a strap-on. Mistress Karen in front of me stroking my cock and whispering nasty things in my ear. She would coax out a bit of pre-cum easily by now and as Melissa was busy lubing up my ass Karen took a nice dollop of my juices and stuck her finger in my mouth to suck on as Melissa started working her strap-on into my back passage.
Once Melissa started fucking my Karen got down on her knees and started blowing me. She did it really well. Knowing I was being distracted from behind she teased me making sure I was looking into her eyes and she asked me what I wanted. Made me say that I want to eat my own come. She would tease me. Edging me, getting more pre-cum to come out then hold her wet glistening finger just out of each of my tongue saying she’s not sure if she would let me eat it. Melissa was having a fun time behind me. Sometime she would stop pounding my ass and stick a couple fingers up there find my prostate and give it a really nice massage. This is an indescribable feeling. She’d press deeply and when she did the pre-cum would just be pushed right out of me and Karen would be right there to scoop it up and tease me with it some more sometimes on her finger, the tip of her tongue or smeared glistening on her lips. She would start to say things like “I’m not sure I’m gonna let you have it” or “ I really like cum myself you know I think I’ll eat it myself “. or “It’s so yummy”. Then she would make me beg and plead for it. They would get me to the edge over and over. Just as I was about to blow they’d slow everything to cool down and then start up again.
Finally, after so much teasing and ass fucking and prostate massages Melissa started really pounding my ass and Karen still teasing was telling me to cum in her mouth telling me how much she wanted it and soon I unloaded what was probably the biggest orgasm I ever had in my life. My knees gave out and I was hanging there from my wrists above. Melissa slowly withdrew from my Ass as Karen sucked out a mouthful. She came up to kiss me. I tried keeping my mouth shut but they were expecting that as Melissa roughly grabbed me by the balls and squeezed hard. Completely drained of strength I opened my mouth to a delicious cum filled French kiss from Karen, not a quick kiss either but a deep sensual one that she held while Melissa went down to suck out and wring out all the last drops from my slowly softening cock. After Karen made sure I’d swallowed all of it Melissa made sure she’d wrung out every last drop then came up and did the same. It was absolutely glorious. These two girls gave me the most unforgettable experience of my sexual life.
Wow…awesome! Lucky you!
I’m 54 straight guy I’ve always tasted my pre cum and tried prostate milking but I’ve never had the bottle to taste my cum , always at the last minute I bottle out even though I’m so horny can any one help me out here.
As above some guys try to freeze it and use it during a later sesh but I find the freezing process takes something out of it – that unmistakable smell of warm cum and the taste. Here’s a tip that worked for me. Use a condom when you jack off. Don’t use one of spermicidal lubricant as that shit tastes foul. Use one with a mild or no lubricant and then supply your own water soluble or flavored kind. Jack off in your preferred fashion and then cum into the condom. You will have that inevitable moment when the desire wanes and you have no interest anymore. No worries, just hang tight. Continue to watch some porn (especially cumshots or bukkake) or occasionally stroke your cock or whatever. In about 10-15 mins I guarantee you’ll start thinking about eating your own cum again and there you’ll have it, a nice bag of warm fresh cum ready to lick and eat. Hold the bottom of the condom shut and start squeezing from the top like a tube of toothpaste. When all the cum has collected at the bottom like a load ready to blow, open your mouth and then open the condom and let those love juices flow. No joke, the minute the cum hits your tongue I guarantee your cock will stand to attention again if it isn’t already. Damn I’m getting horny again just writing this so time to go bust/eat another load…
P.S. Ever since I discovered this, I’m addicted to eating my cum at least once or even twice a day but for an added turn on try abstaining for a while to work up a really massive load to eat. Happy fapping and feasting!
I horny too about to get naked
I can im 45 and horny
When I was younger a friend of mine would come over to my house and we would listen to music and stroke each other off we would sometimes lick the cum off our hands I could only do that if he came first and I was horny as all hell otherwise I lost the urge to mess with the cum when I got with my wife we would fuck till I started to cum and I would shoot it all over her wet pussy then use my cock to mix all the cream all up and then we would 69 that is so hot doing that I also love to eat my own cum when masterbating I like to edge my cocktail and get the cum to ooze out and lick it up it gets me hotter doing it
I eat my cum often. Mostly after ejaculating on my hand so I can lick it and suck it up. Out of a condom is always good or from a glass. Masterbate in the morning, afternoon and evening, saving each load in a glass. Then that night while cross dressing pour it in my mouth and swirl it around before swallowing. Yummy!
I eat my cum all the time. Either straight off my hand or in food. Sometimes I like to shoot it on something and lick it off.
I cum on a mirror and in 30 minutes I’m ready to eat it
I’ve done that many time it but while telling myself what a cum.whore I am.
[email protected] I’m looked Ng well hung men to suck and eat cum text me if you want a good blow job Brandi sissy faggot cum whore
im in brick 5’11 196wt 7.5 cut
I am going to eat my cum very soon. First time. It is going on a piece of chocolate cake. My precum is always tasty. I dream about dressing in panties or a thong, maybe even some lingerie and doing everything. I look amazing in a chemise with a satin thong. Wish me luck.
For years my wife had known, through reference and suggestion, my deprecating desire to be coerced… forced to eat my viscous pulp. After many failures and tantrums, she finally took the initiative to forcefully put one hand on my forehead, pulled my mouth open with the other, placed her lips inches above my own, and released what seemed an endless stream into my captured throat. She gleefully pushed my mouth closed, and demanded it be swallowed.
From that moment forward she took the dominant role in our fornication and has since controlled virtually every interlude. Just last night, as I had her very large surgically endowed chest pressed together and was, by her command, working up a large load between them, told that if I wanted to participate in any inter-mutual activity anytime soon, that I would be licking every last drop of my load . Of course to my demise, that Just awoke a few million more descendants in my nucleus below, and in no short order did I begin to shudder, pull back, and aim every contraction possible around each breast and nipple, frosting them like two large mound cakes. It only took a few seconds for that eagerness and desire to wear off and I slowly tried to make my exit. She latched onto my dwindling shaft and redirected my attention to the Sticky mess I made. “Clean it up bitch” came out of her shrewd mouth, making my eyes bulge a bit, but then I remembered her ultimatum; of course I obeyed and assumed the position and the first voluntary lick was a moment that can never be taken back, but luckily each progressive lapping became easier than the first. The final stream was actually a little indulgent. “Good boy” was her last two words while she rolled away from me.
The next morning as I shuffled into the kitchen, she handed me my coffee and confidently welcomed me with a giddy good morning, however followed with the dreaded words “CUM eater”.
What have I done is all I could think…
I’ve always been pretty sexually liberated from when I was a kid and had two different friends I’d spend the night with and we’d suck each other’s dicks. Anything I could try by myself I’d do too, when I was around 13 or 14 I hit puberty and my cock got bigger but I wasn’t as tall and for a short while I could sort of suck my own cock. It wasn’t easy and kind of hurt my back and neck to stretch that far and I could only get my lips around the tip but I would sometimes finish jerking off by sucking a load Straight into my own mouth which was amazing and I wish I could still do it. Then I started dating girls and mostly switched the kinky alone stuff to the kinky will she let me do that? stuff. I’m mostly straight but I’ve always kind of admired a nice cock and over the past year have been fantasizing about and building up the nerve to try sucking one again. I’d say one in every five times I masturbate now I look at cocks and fantasize about sucking one and read stories from other guys in a similar situation. Part of my fantasy is also to swallow a load, I think if you’re going to suck a dick it’s proper etiquette and I want to feel that load squirt into my mouth again. Lately when I fantasize about sucking I finish by eating my own load to see if I can do it. Even though I just came and the fantasy is mostly gone I kind of like it even though It’s tasted really salty which makes me think maybe I need to cut back on sodium. There’s no such thing as normal, everyone you know probably does something weird behind closed doors.
Hi I am Jack a British guy in his 50’s and I have Eaten My Own Cum many times. I have pumped it straight into my mouth, caught it in my hand and in a small shot glass.
When younger and when I could shoot at least 8 pumps in one orgasm I would freeze each load until I had a decent size lolly and then eat that at my leisure or out in the park on a park bench watching people walk by.
I love the taste and the texture of Cum and eating it is actually quite a dirty thing to do.
I have also eaten the Spunk from other Guys at a Bukkake Party too and the taste os it all mixed up was amazing.
I’m so glad I found this thread. I thought I was alone in these thoughts. Same questioned popped into my head. Am I secretly gay for wanting to eat my cum.
I have the desire EVERY single time I jerk off. But like many of you, I’ve only ever eaten my precum. I did the legs up the wall thing, and covered my face and mouth with cum, but instantly felt ashamed and quickly spit it out and wiped my face. About an hour later, I was kicking myself for chickening out. When I edge myself and my cock begins to throb and ooze Precum, I gobble it up like a madman and literally crave more cum. I absolutely LOVE the taste of my precum and how hot it makes me.
After finding this thread and reading all of these comments, I’m going to suck it up (no pun intended) and take my full hot load, suck it deep into my mouth and quickly swallow every thick warm drop of it.
I’m so hard right now from just thinking about it.
Wish me luck. I had better not chicken out this time.
Hey mate what a relief to read this post.
Wanted to eat my own cum since I had my first want many years ago. Brought up as a catholic so all the crazy shit to deal with.
Tried many times & have tasted my precum.
Really salty & did enjoy the taste.
Unfortunately just as I’m about to shoot my load I chicken out.
All that guilt comes flashing back.
I really taught in some fucked up was their was something wrong with me.
Finally today I’m going to eat my first load of cum my own.
I cant wait the feeling of been liberated & knowing that I’m doing what most guys have been doing for years is already making my cock hard.
I will update.
Mike I’m with on this I’m pre cumming right now so hot
The first time I tried it with my girlfriend, she gave me a long slow blowjob while I lay on the couch. When I finally came in her mouth, she crawled up on top of me giggling with her mouth full and gave me the hottest French kiss I’ve ever had in my life. Feeling her tongue push it all into my mouth while hearing her giggling was amazing. Then as she had me swallow it all, she giggled again and said, ‘good boy’. From that point on I was hooked.
I still had the problem of losing the confidence or desire after cuming though, so she came up with a really naughty game we still play together. When we (often she) wants to play this game, she’ll get a glass or a tumbler and milk me into it until I come. Often she’ll edge me for a good while first so that I fill up the glass with a big load. Then once I’ve cum in it, she knows I’ll lose the desire, so she sets the glass aside while she goes to ‘change’. She then puts on one of her sexiest outfits she knows I find irresistible, often a particular miniskirt I call her ‘naughty’ skirt because she’s given so many guys blowjobs while wearing it. Then she’ll come back and tease me in it, working me up till she gets me all hard and horny again. As you can probably guess, she won’t let me have any relief and cum again, until I drink all the cum already in the glass. It drives me wild, and often she’ll sit on my lap in her little skirt and tell me stories about guy’s she has sucked off and other naughty things she has done until I can’t stand it anymore and am begging her to let me cum. Then she picks up the glass, brings it to my lips and tips it in. Each time I swallow she giggles and says, ‘good boy’.
As a bonus, sometimes she makes me cum in the glass again right away, and the game starts all over again. One night she made me cum many times and drink each ‘round’ as she worked me up in a horny frenzy with tales of her giving blowjobs to hot guys in nightclubs and in parties while wearing that short little naughty skirt.
That is so very hottt!!!!
Wow! Just read your story Brad – super hot! So hard right now!! Wish my girl would do the same!
I love eating my own cum daily I told my girlfriend last 🌃 ght I want to suck off a big black cock now
I love eating my own cum daily I told my girlfriend
Now I want to suck off five or six well hung men
I’m a sissy cum slut and live it
im ready
Yep, I love my pre cum too, will usually just eat the first shot of cum, and yes I live to Jack off
I am not able to eat my own sperm. Every time I am masturbating, i eat my pre-cum but that when all sperm is coming out, i am giving up. Help me. I want to try my own sperm
Start with eating your pre-cum. Sometimes edging will allow you to eat a little sperm. To get over the “desire” to eat your own sperm, mix it with a little ice cream. Each time you ejaculate mix in a little less until you are eating 100% sperm. It’s a mental block and think of how exciting it will be the day you can eat it even after the “desire” is gone. It will happen.
Excellent training advise Alex. This is a perfect way to get more men into eating and enjoying their own sperm loads. The more men to discover this pleasure, the better. Greg
You are correct, good sir!!! Nothing but great things can come from this!!!
Like most of the comments here, my biggest issue is losing interest afterwards, but also the taste and even the bleachy smell. Still, the thought of it turns me on so fucking much… i do love my pre cum though, and eat it a lot. Im definifely going to try and eat more fruits and whatnot and test it out after but the cumming on food idea or waiting until im horny again is a great idea. Just reading the. Comments makes me wanna cum and know a hot cum eater friend. Thanks boys.
Pineapple is the key to tasty cum, also avoiding alcohol and coffee can improve the flavor.
I am married but very bi-curious. I don’t hesitate to eat my cum out of my wife’s pussy right after I cum in her. Also I like to stimulate my prostate with a large suction cup dildo. It creates a lot of precum and if I collect it all in a condom or container while I’m fucking myself, it’s almost a whole load of cum.
Cream pies are great, I love to clean my Wife after sex. I also have a few friends that I suck off on the regular. I love having cum in my mouth, nothing better!
I had tried my cum on a few occasions over the years then in 2018 I made it my challenge to eat my cum every time I wanked . I use a spoon to catch my semen and eat it straight away . In in last 2 years have only missed eating my cum a few times difficult when you ejaculate in the sea at Spain .
After only a few weeks of doing this I found it very easy the plan was to do it for one year but now it’s just an easy way to clean mess . I also tell myself it’s my punishment for being such a wanker having to eat my cum .
I have tried snorting my cum once and even though it was not that bad I struggling to do it again so I just swallow it .
I sometime find I now am wanking just because I want the cum . I become addicted to the feeling of eating my own semen . I like to read about other people eating own cum , watching videos of men eating cum , having phone sex and getting the lady to make me eat cum . I am now a cum eating little wanker who gets no cunt and deserves to be humiliated for being such a cum loving wanker .
Get yourself a clear tube , to watch it , place one end over the cockslit the other in your mouth and suck the delicious cum into your mouth when you cum. You get all you want and it’s fresh.
Thats exactly what I do. Its the best way to eat your own cum.
I too struggled for a long time but now eat my cum every single time.
My wife would often help encourage or feed it to me, which was hot with her, but alone I just couldn’t keep the desire long enough.
But then I tried two things and now it’s instinctive for me to eat it and I have not cum the without eating it in about two years.
#1 – do it right away! Even if you’re still in the act of cumming, take some in your free hand and taste it right away. Once you have had some, eating more is much easier.
#2 – you don’t need to swallow the whole load! Part of the psychological block is the thought of a slimy mouthful after you’ve cum, turns you off. Just promise yourself a small taste. As above, once you’ve had some, eating more becomes more palatable.
So do these two things, taste just a small bit as soon as you can post climax. Do this every time you cum and soon you’ll swallow the whole load with ease and will no longer feel the need to rush it.
And if you can, keep a score sheet. Every time you have a taste, mark it in a column. Same for every time you don’t. Each month aim to beat your score.
I started about 2-3 times a month to about 5 or 6. Once I hit 100% in a month, I never went back to not tasting it.
Don’t put pressure on yourself, make it a challenge that you work up to.
Hey guys, you really dont have to play games psyching yourself up to eat your own cum. Just go out and suck off a few guys, let them cum in your mouth and the lasting feeling it gives you not just in your mouth but down your throat takes away any inhibitions about eating your own cum, because you’ve tasted other guys. Whats better, your own cum or some strangers?.
What is that faster way to cum in my mouth and eat my own cum
I had a guy online that was determined to get me to eat my own load. I’ve always wanted to and planned to but chickened out after I came. I promised him I’d take a picture of it in my mouth. I jerked off, came hard and saved every drop. I immediately lost interest in eating it but scraped it off my hand into my mouth and took a pic. I then decided to swallow it, fast. Lol. I did and am so relieved. That was just last month and it’s still hard to make myself do it but it’s getting easier. Think I’ll feed right now, lol.
It is difficult to try it the first few times. Although it doesn’t taste bad it still feels odd for several times.
How was your “feed”? We all would love to know!!!!
I’ve eaten my cum many times in many ways. Often if you simply cum on something like a desktop or on a plate and set it aside for a few minutes out of view your desire will come back in short order. I like seeing puddles of my own cum which I run my tongue through to slurp up all I can. I also eat my frozen cum and have had as many as 15 loads at once which I suck on and swallow as the cum melts in my mouth. So filthy and so fun. I suck cock sometimes and in those cases blast away. Love when my mouth is full of cum!
This is interesting way to do it. Haven’t thought of freezing it. Does it really taste better that way?
I tried this and did not enjoy it melting in my mouth. I prefer it hot and fresh.
I tried it again but waited until my next jerkoff. I let it melt in a shot glass and waited for it to naturally warm up (hold the glass tightly in your hand so that your body heat will warm it).
I was nice and horny by the time it was warm enough so I took it without hesitation but it wasn’t the same as eating it fresh.
I started eating my own cum after my wife asked me to go down on her after cumming inside her, she made me promise to or she would not let me screw her after I came I did not want to and said no but she quickly moved over my face before I could do anything about it as it ran out of her pussy I found myself licking and swallowing it up with her encouragement, after that night it became a regular thing and increased out sexual appetite, even when she jerks me of because she’s not in the mood she will feed it to me, now I love It and after all it’s the least we can do for our wives
I’m a sissy faggot I love getting fucked up the ass and sucking cock and eating loads of cum
I’m such a faggot cum whore
im still a virgin,i never got fuck in my ass,but ill be honest im thinking about it
You sound fun no cap
That’s what I did the 6 other cum just taste better than mine other men love my cum . Thank you guys I wish I could talk about cock’s and cum ,24/7 if cock’s are not on my mind’s they in my mouth
Love hearing about guys eating cum love masturbating a few times i think i want to my cum it’s delicious love to lick my cum out of my ✋ & off my fingers wished i could bring myself to eat cum every time at the end that’s the best part after masturbating eating cum
sounds great,,im in brick tell me more
I trained myself by jacking off, and when the first spurt came out, immediately put that hand in my mouth, switching hands. Continue and repeat until you are finished ejaculating. You will quickly become used to eating your semen. Works every time.
I’ve had this dilemma for years. Could never bring myself to eat, after wanting to while masturbating. Then last summer was sitting in the car with my girlfriend, and she gave me a hand job, a long slow one. I shot an unusual heavy thick load, more than I usually do into the palm of her hand, filling it up it seemed. After catching my breath, I looked for a tissue or napkin, not to be found. I looked at her and she just smiled. She placed her other hand on the back of my neck, and gently moved my head toward her hand, saying, come on you’ve seen me do it. My lips touched my warm cum, and I started lapping and licking it up, licking her clean. Problem solved after all these years. Now when i jack, I just fill my other hand, and lap it up.
This is hot! Does she still help you eat it?
I have been working my way up for the last little while. I have eaten my pre-cum during jerk off and edging sessions. Love it. Food works best for me. I have used yogurt, cookies, chocolates, peanut butter sandwich and a couple others. I am over the hesitation now. Love it.
I taste my own cum every time I ejaculate, I also love the taste of my precum I love masturbating
I too really enjoy the taste of my ore cum and have eaten mine lots of times, love to share it with my partner, its hot
I love to eat my Precum. It tastes good. Occasionally have tasted my cum. Still need to feel more free to eat it.
I’m a heterosexual male who has fantasized about eating my own cum for sometime. However, after I would ejaculate I would lose all interest. I tried your idea of eating my precum which was definitely a turn on. I do it quite frequently now when masturbating. I also came on some peanut butter and bread and surprisingly liked it. I have eaten my girlfiend out as well after cumming in her. Very erotic I’ve been thinking about trying to cum into my own mouth but haven’t tried as yet. My girlfriend thinks I should just try eating a male friend’s cum when horny to see if it turns me on. But that seems like a big jump.
I always thought it would be so hot to go down on my x after cumming in her.. Iam a little nervous about another guy cumming in my mouth. After I cum I always suck the cum off my fingers
I’ve ate out my wife after cumming in her several times. Actually enjoy it. I’ve eaten my precum a lot. Interesting she wants you to eat another guys cum. Did you do it? If so how was it? I have fantasized that a few times!
No I haven’t had a guy cum in my mouth yet. I have sucked on a few. My xwife didn’t encourage me to, she would have freaked out if I suggested anything like that
I have this long vacuum cleaner attachment tube I never used (at least on the vacuum)… I took coconut oil and really made the inner tube super slick…so when I’m ready I put one end in my mouth and stick my dick in the other. When I jizz the tube is so slick that it comes literally in my mouth as I squirt. No time to think or react, just enjoy my big gulp of sex!!!! What a rush…sometimes I cum twice it’s so fucking hot!
Well I haven’t ate a peanut butter and cum sandwich yet but the last couple of days I’ve shot a load on a piece of chocolate cake and just last night I shot a load on a chocolate chip cookie. Both were delicious. Cookie was better because all the cum stayed on top. With the cake it got soaked in. Still yummy though lol
The cookie idea seems exciting to try. Thanks for idea.
I’m gonna try a peanut butter and cum sandwich. I’ve ate oatmeal with my cum mixed in quite a few times. Love it on chocolate cake. Licked it off my hand a few times but most of the time I lose the desire too. Food works best for me. Loved reading all these comments.
I LOVE my own cum! It took me years to finally eat it. When I finally ate my load, it was pure ecstasy.
I love to masterbate so I can slurp up my delicious nutt.
I NEVER waste a drop.
I love knowing that men eat their own cum.
I hate watching videos and they wipe it up and waste it.
It’s like working a job and never getting a paycheck.
We work our bodies and cocks for that milk. We deserve to drink it all up. Why waste what you work so hard for?
I love the taste, smell, and texture.
It is so damn DELICIOUS!
I CRAVE my thick sperm. I LUST for my cock and cum.
The smell of my sweaty body turns me on and I start CRAVING my hot thick nutty seed.
I LOVE being a MAN!
i want some! sharing is caring 😉
Nice lol
I’m sorry but I can’t share lol.
I LOVE to eat it too much to share lol.
Cock gives us seed and we should eat it.
Eat your own!
I want a buddy like you, Sean!
It took me so long to get myself to eat my own cum. I don’t know what I was afraid of, I really enjoy it
It is so damn good!
Once I started, I dont want to stop.
I love that my cum is thick! I imagine that the sperm BURSTS with juicy man flavor in my mouth while I chew it. I also imagine that the sperm is swimming and begging to be eating and swallowed by their daddy (me).
I love everything about my cum. It is truly a gift that NEVER should be wasted.
I can relate PM. I find that enjoying my own cum after a nice long evening of edging and stroking, is quite a delicious dessert after enjoying a beautiful and intense evening of self pleasure. It’s an amazing and very personal experience.
Same here I’m thinking of playing with my dick now
Awwww…Thank ya!
You do have a buddy that is better than me though……your COCK!
Treat him well and he will give you LIFE! THEN…..EAT IT UP!
As I jerk off, I have a vibrator against my asshole and taint. As I’m cumming the sensation of the vibrator keeps my desire heightened and I’m able to put my cum right on my tongue. I hold it and savor it in my mouth then swallow. I then continue to keep the vibrator on my asshole and taint and as my cock softens and the cum drips out I continue to enjoy it.
Easiest for me is to cum in the palm of my hand and get it to my mouth as quickly as possible. I’ve tried shooting into a glass, but this makes the cum cold right away.
Just do it quickly from your palm. Soon your apprehension will go away.
The only way that worked for me (two or three times in fact) was when I masturbated in a place where there was absolutely no other way to clean it up. No tissue or towels or anything were available. Once was in an office where I was safely alone in the beginning and had no plans to ejaculate, until I happened to be watching a CEI video and heard a car pulling into the driveway. I knew that if I came right then, the only way to clean it up would be to eat it. And that was too hard to resist at that moment. Similarly, I once wanked in the kitchen of a guest house because I knew that this cute girl in a nearby room was in the shower and about to get out and walk to her room. The moment I came, I knew there was no time to clean up any other way than to gulp it down without thinking! The most embarrasing time, however, was in a strange strip club in Berlin. This was a club where the MEN (guests) were allowed (actually even required) to be fully naked, and the women working there were scantily clad. The point was that naked men would get unbearably horny with visible erections, and the women would then convince them to pay for sex in the private rooms. I wasn’t in the mood to pay, and as I sat in front of a particularly sexy MILF who was staring down at me in a humiliating way (almost laughing at my erection), I tried to hide it while squeezing it at the same time. I should emphasize that it was clearly not allowed to just openly wank in front of everyone, and I was sitting in the middle of the most public room of the club. As soon as she turned away, I squirted a huge load into the palm of my hand and had only an instant to slurp it all down before anyone would notice! :-p
Sounds like you love public opportunities to jerk and eat! That is hot!
I have wanted to try eating my cum for a long time and like many of you, after I ejaculate the desire goes to zero.
After reading through this thread and taking in many ideas to get over this hump, tonight I decided to try food and cum together. I used an chocolate chip cookie. I must say it was very hot and erotic seeing my frosting on the cookie. I quickly devoured it, much to my liking surprisingly. I’ve never liked the taste before. I have a little upset stomach tonight, probably due to the fact I’m not used to this, but I will be very soon.
I have found that edging to the point of no return by stroking under the base of my cock gives huge pleasure and as I am about to cum I slide my fingers up the full length just one more time then I hold back while flexing the muscle in my cock and it results in a lovely amount of jelly oosing out and ready to eat. I did this for 3 days with hourly breaks throughout, and edged 11 times in one session. I did not want the full orgasm but I stroked just one to many times and exploded. I had edged so many times and had quite a mouthful of cum throughout, that when I finally came I didn’t lose interest at all, I just looked at the cum on my stomach and thought ‘well, I have swallowed everything else’ and slowly picked the watery jelly off my stomach and licked all over my fingers. This happened just this week, and I edge all the time now. Its fantastic.
that’s how i do it
I cum in my oatmeal once and ate it and I got into the habit of eating my cum earlier this year – I would just lick it all up right after cumming – just do it! But now I’m having mental block again.
Yeah I like to fix me a bowl of oatmeal. Watch some porn and shoot a load directly into the bowl
I like to suck on my middle three fingers while I Jack off, and imagine I’m sucking a big cock. When I’m ready to cum, I lower my hand and cum on those fingers, and when I’m finished unloading, I put them back in my mouth, as far as they’ll go, and swirl my tongue around and savor my cum as I swallow it all.
👍👍👍👍 nice
I just put my mouth on my tip when im about to explode and it just goes into my mouth
I WISH I could get my lips around the tip of my cock! I’d be coming in my mouth allllll the time too.
I onow right lol
Me too I definitely would
I used to do it while I was young, wish I could do it again but it is very hard
Amen!!!! If I could suck myself I would have empty balls.
Ha I can
Mmmm, yes!! I have often thought about those who can do it and the first time they demonstrate this ability in front of a new partner.
I think about if I were able to do this, would my girlfriends keep it to themselves or tell their friends. Would their friends be curious enough to ask to watch……
I totally wish I could have sucked myself. I have tried so many times
I did this last night, it is the perfect solution for me! Thank you!
I too have be desire to taste my cum, but can’T get past the desire, although I do love the taste of my precum, although I don’t produce much anymore, maybe I need a butt plug for my prostate.
I love being naked masturbating until i shoot my cum out of dick & take my tongue lick my cum off my fingers it tastes so good i don’t do all the time ever once in awhile after finishing masturbating it’s nice lick up my cum once you taste & do again keep wanting more i have did it a few times over the years.
I myself am a straight 46 year old male but have experimented just a few time with giving a blowjob and handjob but never really tasted cum. I also jerk off a few times a week watching straight and even gay porn (maybe this makes me bi), even guys jerking off. Every time I masturbate I tell myself i’m going to try my own cum but never do. I have tasted my own pre-cum more times than I can count. Should I just cum in a small cup or something and just down it? I do have a girlfriend and never told her about this and been together for a few years and have sex on a regular basis, sometimes twice a day. Thank you.
You should confide in g/f, and/or ejaculate into her, and have her siton your face and eat it out of her or dive down and eat her out. She will LOVE it…
I call it (recycling) eat mine all the time with g/f or solo.
Do you watch porn with your girlfriend? If so, there are some movies that have scenes where a guy eats his own cum. Get one of those movies and act shocked when it appears on screen to gauge her reaction.
Yes I fuck my girlfriend cum all over here pussy then eat her out then give her a taste while I fucking her again it’s a great turn on for both of us. Even better when others watch us do it. From Denver.
There is a great way to eat your cum while your horny. This trick works most of the time.
What you have to do is edge yourself to a point where you are just about to cum and stop. This makes some of the jizz come out. Do it 2-3 times but dont over do it because it can cause an ejaculation and you’ll lose the urge. After 2 time you must have collected enough cum for you to enjoy.
Yes, I have done this and it worked for me
Thank works for me as well. I’m a straight 46 year old male and I love the idea of sucking cock and eating cum. I often find myself masturbating to cumshot porn. I hate losing the urge after orgasm so this trick of reaching the top then backing off does produce thick gel like ooze. I eat it with a passion because all the sensation of almost cumming is there. Sooo hot to finally find a way to readily enjoy my own cum without that instant lose of the urge.
Even though I have sucked many tranny’s and even done a gloryhole cum sucking I consider myself straight. I LOVE women in every way, I just have a fetish for cock/cum not the guy attached to it. Weird but true.
I love watching transgender porn. Haven’t ever been with one but have lots if fantasies about it. Would love to suck off a few at one time having each one cum in my mouth swallowing every drop. I’ve only ate my own. Mostly mixing it with food.
My wife is finally going to be gone for a couple of weeks and I’m going to see if I can come up with ways to get the cum to go directly into my mouth as I masturbate without hurting my neck….any suggestions?
Unfortunately, I can’t think of any fail-safe ways for directly getting it into your mouth without the ill-advised wall technique (which isn’t perfect either). I guess you could try just sitting upright while masturbating and bend over as much as possible over your cock when you’re about to come. That could work if you tend to ejaculate relatively forcefully as you can try shooting right up into your mouth, though it’d probably fall right back out if you weren’t quick enough at closing your lips LOL
Not sure if there is another way!
I will cumm in a ziploc bag and put the bag against my body to keep it warm. Then watch some porn to get turned on again then as I’m jacking off just when I feel ready to cumm again I suck the load out of the bag. Also sometimes I’ll stockpile a couple of weeks worth in the freezer then thaw it out to body temp and have a really good cumm eating time
I will try that. But saving it and thinking about eating it after a little while is really hot! Once I get horny again, I can’t stop myself from admitting I’m a really a fag or something and going for it. Soon I’m masturbating again and wanting another load. Thanks for the suggestion.
How to get the edge to cum on your face
This is what’s working for me and it’s awesome: I cut up some of the plastic produce bags, the thin ones from the grocery store, and drape a large piece around my cock, putting some coconut oil in for lubrication and use a thin rubber band to secure it. Then I masturbate looking at porn; my favorite is the one where women encourage guys to eat their cum. Once I cum, I take it off and set it carefully in some paper towels in the trash in case my wife comes home sooner than expected. in maybe 30 minutes, if she hasn’t come home yet and I start feeling horny again, I take it out and enjoy it still fresh. If she comes home too soon for that, I just wait until I have my chance and enjoy it then. Not as good as swallowing another guys cum but it keeps me horny and thinking about it!
Eat my own cum frequently, not all the time, but often enough. Pre-cum & Cumming on food was the way it worked for me. Tried the feet-over-head method a few times, but too much discomfort and frankly mostly just facialized myself.
Favorite food to cum on: shortbread cookies with chocolate on top. You know the ones, with the stripes. The saltiness of the cum really makes them more yummy.
Haven’t had the opportunity lately, but my wife just left so I’m going for it. Not sure if I’ll cum on something or just eat it straight. At any rate, I’m over pretending I don’t want to or I’m not that kind of man….hell yes I am!
I found that eating your cum as fast as possible before I had a chance to think about cum and talk myself out of it. Now that I have eat my cum a lot I like to take my time and hold it in my mouth and swish before I swallow.
“WOW “ that’s really hot
“not that kind of man” Come on folks. How can you ask your wife/girlfriend to swallow if you won’t eat your own cum? It’s from your body. It’s fresh from the spigot. It has no germs to get you sick. There are plenty of people who eat cum without stomach upset. If you eat her out after cumming in her you have already been eating your own cum. If you jack more than once in a session or don’t run off right after a fuck, you already know how to deal with that sudden sense of shame when you have cum. The taste is mostly salty which shouldn’t deter you. If your’s is bitter that’s from your smoking or drinking. And a man old enough to cum can certainly handle swallowing a teaspoon of something bitter. This ain’t rocket science.
Might have to try those cookies. I’ve cum on chocolate chip cookies chocolate cake and oatmeal.
Thank you for this thread. I have just managed to eat my cum out of my hand – your sharing inspired me to go for it! I knew that my desire would fade (from many times before) so as I approached orgasm I chanted to myself, ‘eat it, eat it, eat it …” and it worked. As soon as I stopped cumming I really quickly brought my hand to my mouth and licked it all up.
Hopefully the first of many.
I’ve completely gotten over the loss of desire and edge and eat and edge and eat all the time. I love it.
Ditto all the “I totally want to eat my cum but once I cum I want nothing to do with eating it” comments. It’s the strangest thing. I’ve come close. Taste/eat prec often. But that’s about as far as it goes. One time recently…masturbating in the shower…how water blasting my balls. Something about how that how water makes the cum really good.,,not just hotter, but whiter if that makes at sense. Anyhow…they was the most I ever put in my mouth.
Wow it was pretty good. Not sure I swallowed. And if I did I probably tried to hack it back up. : (. I couldn’t believe how sweet it was. Trying now again. Reading this is helping. Wish me luck.
Ok, I finally did it and oh man I love it. I came in some cling wrap wrapped around my cock and put it in the trash, wrapped carefully in case I decided to eat it later. The wife was gone so in a little while I went over and took it out and ate all of it, licking the cling wrap until I got all of it while masturbating. It was really liberating and I’m gong ot do it again in a minute. Thanks for the ideas! .
Booya!! That sounds hot! HUGE congrats on the progress and really glad to hear that it felt so liberating and enjoyable. Hope that you liked it even more the second time!
I wish you the best.i am 60 and only tasted it mabey 2 times. I never been with another man.i have been thinking about it lately. I have been playing with my ass and cock for 57 years. I eat my ass cum and it’s the mitts. I think I would like to be fucked up my ass as hard as anyone could and 2 to 5 guys cum all over and in my mouth and ass.i just don’t know how to go about it .any ideals
When I get drunk I have an overwhelming desire to eat my own cum, but the moment I ejaculate I get totally grossed out at the idea. However, I’ve eaten my own precum and kissed lots of girls who freshly blew me and didn’t mind it. So what the hell?
Cum in a shot glass then freeze it. Next time you masturbate and want to eat your cum, take it out the freezer and eat it before the feeling leaves you.
Love that tip! I’ve also asked a couple of guys to do something like that before for me so I could have a nice big load when we meet up. So far, no takers though…probably afraid their wives will find it. No reason I can’t do it for myself though!
Want to eat daily
Mmmmmmmm. O
The easiest way I found to eat my cum was to target the cumshots directly into my mouth. It’s even hotter than taking it with your hand.
Yeah that’s how I used to do it as well when I was younger. However, I personally don’t recommend it anymore as the legs-over-head position folks often take for it can be dangerous and cause back or neck injuries, as well as running a higher risk of choking and panicking.
I used to try that too and got some in my mouth. Mostly got a sore neck. Will be eating some in a little while, with a safer method!
Hey what’s your snap
What’s your method? I cum into a shot glass and set it aside until the feeling to eat it comes back. Then I’ll edge some more and right before I cum again I’ll take the cum in my mouth…start the cycle again. We giving out snaps?!
You can snap me at Sharkfin4
I just liked some of my I’m off her pussy
Really different taste but I did enjoy it we are doing it again tonight Yea!
I want to eat my cum again soon
im in brick with lots of cum are you near brick?
Finally, I came on peanut butter sandwich and ate it all! Fucking delicious! I’m working my way into straig in my mouth and swallow! Wish the wife would let me eat her out after fucking. One step at a time…LoL
Another reason to eat peanut butter sandwiches regularly! My wife is gone for a couple weeks and I’ll be wearing a condom daily to collect all my precum and cum too. I’m not sure how I’m going to eat it, straight or on food, but I’m definitely eating it daily while she’s away. Thanks for the encouragement and tips.
Really glad to hear you have a couple weeks to embellish in eating your cum as much as you like, Steve! If you find any cool food combinations or really kinky ways of enjoying it that you want to share please don’t hesitate to comment again here so that others can maybe benefit from your tips and experiences too!
Booya! Congratulations on eating your first peanut butter and cum sandwich, Ironwakman! It’s SO fucking delicious, right??? Mm! Now I’m craving one myself haha.
I do hope that one day your wife is open to letting you go down on her after having sex. That’s something I’ve enjoyed doing with my partners, Fal and Kate, for a while now. They love the extra oral + not having to clean up as big a mess themselves and I love the cum + pussy eating, so, win fucking win! LOL
I’m almost ready to cum and will take the plunge after it sits for maybe a half hour…yummy. Thanks for the tips!
I can edge for a bit them just when I get ready to cum I stop jerking my cock and I can push a huge load of cum out of my cock. Sometimes two or three times. I always eat every drop. I have some video of my cock ozzing cum out and me eating it makes me hard just thinking about it plus the nut is delicious. Got a girl I mess with from time to time and she will suck me off then spit the whole load in my mouth and I just gulp it down. She loves doing it to me. Got to get my regular girl to do it now. I love the taste
That’s awesome. I can edge 2 or 3 nice thick squirts of cum to eat before i shoot my load. And my load is still really big. I love my cum so much . I wish i could shoot a gallon to eat.
I tried what you suggested about cumming on my food. Put peanut butter on a piece of bread and ejectulated on it. You can taste a slight difference in taste depending how much you did it, but it does seem rather satisfying that you at least accomplished overcumming your fears! lol
Sweet! Congratulations! That’s literally the hardest part, and if you liked it I definitely recommend trying it with other foods and having fun with it. But if not, and this was just a curiosity satisfied, that’s cool too!
Next time, I might do something messed up and use the bread and peanut butter as a pussy! lol
Funny story, I’ve jerked off with peanut butter and jelly sandwiches too LOL:
I ran out of time and didn’t get to try it before my wife got home; however, she’s gonna be gone for a couple weeks and I will definitely try a couple of different ways of eating my cum. Can’t wait to get this started…yummy!
I like the idea of cumming on my food and will start right away. Also, I have been placing a small square of cling wrap around my penis, held on by a rubber band so I can collect precum. It’s very tasty. I’ve cum several times that way too, and always want to eat it while I’m stroking, but get scared and waste it. I guess I’ve been scared to embrace that need, but I’m going to save it for a while and eat it from now on. Thanks for the post.
I hope that you enjoy coming on your food and that it helps you over the wall! I totally understand that fear of embracing the desire, I was there too for a very long time. I wills ay though that it is completely worth taking the plunge and if you’re like me you’ll fucking love it afterward.
Best part of easing into it by using food is that initially it can help with masking the texture or flavor a bit, but then if you come to like it (hahhh, get it?) then there’s all the fun experimentation of discovering how your ejaculate can be used to ENHANCE flavors.
Anyway, best of luck! If you do get there and enjoy it please feel free to come back and share the experience should you be comfortable doing so.
Mx Nillin
Hi MxNillin,
thanks for the article! Yes, I am very much into eating my own cum and I suffer from this exact mental block you describe. I am also a pantyhose fetishist and I love to cum over my wife’s pantyhose-clad legs. I ALWAYS swear to myself: This time I will lick the stuff off her pantyhose – but then right after ejaculation I immediately lose interest.
I have one workaround, though. When I fuck my wife with a condom, I do not throw the condom away (although right after organsm this seems the logical thing to so), but I keep it on a sheet of tissue under my bed, making sure that not one drop of cum leaks out of the condom. Then, after half an hour or so the desire to eat my cum comes back, and I reach under my bed and grab the condom. First I put it in my mouth (top end), tasting and smelling my wife’s dried juices on the outside and keeping it in my mouth until the cum has reached body temperature. Then I put the open end of the condom in my mouth and let the cum flow into my mouth. Mmmmmh. This is the perfect combination: I fully WANT my cum in my mouth at that stage, and the taste and texture ist exactly what I crave right then. After a while I swallow and am fully satisfied.
Thanks for sharing your method, I will definitely try this.
Interesting technique. I might have to try this.