I don’t normally highlight single sex comics (instead I post lists of porn comics a bunch that I like) but I really need to nerd out a bit about how much I fucking love this queer furry porn project, On Full Display by Funkybun. Because, honestly, I think it might be one of my favourite…
Category: Sexy Art
3 Fucking Awesome Hardcore Fantasy Sex Webcomics
[CW: post contains sexually explicit erotic art, all links lead to NSFW pages] It has been a hot minute since I made a list of awesome sex comics for y’all to check out! Usually I’m here raving about queer furry comics (see 5 Awesome Hardcore Furry Femboy Porn Comics and 4 More Awesome Hardcore Furry…
Spice Things Up With This Lewd Sex Comic from InCase
So, I had a whole bunch of posts planned for this month but, life happens and they all had to be put off for the time being. However, just because the last few weeks have been quiet here that doesn’t mean I haven’t been keeping busy participating in the #SexEdPornReviews feature through Crash Pad Series,…
Are You Reading the Rock Cocks? Because You Should Be Reading the Rock Cocks.
So, I haven’t really read the Rock Cocks in a while but I swung by the webcomic this evening and HOT DAMN, you should go check it out right now. Track 6 has just begun with Suria and Steg on the road to their next gig. To stay awake they start talking about album cover…