Title: Wolf Tails Platform: PC [on the Steam Store] Price: $11.49 CAD Game Length: It took me 4 hours, over two play-throughs, for 100% completion. Summary: You, the protagonist, arrive at your cabin during a brutal snowstorm to find a cute wolf-girl, Mirari, hiding out and nearly freezing to death in your storeroom. Taking her…
Category: Yiff
Throwback Thirstday Vol. 3: Eating Cum From a Cat Food Bowl
Welcome to Throwback Thirstday! What’s this all about? Unbridled horniness! More specifically, it’s essentially an excuse to finally post all of the nudes and lewds I took early on in my coming out from 5+ years ago that I previously had on a NSFW Tumblr account before they ruined themselves by banning porn. Like this…
Adult Game Review: “Lagoon Lounge: The Poisonous Fountain” [R18 patch]
CN: The review contains descriptions of non-consensual sexual acts, including sexual assault, as depicted within “Lagoon Lounge: The Poisonous Fountain“, that may be supremely upsetting to some readers. Title: Lagoon Lounge: The Poisonous Fountain [the R18 patch] Platform: PC [on the Steam Store] Genre: Erotic Visual Novel [18+ only] Price: $13.49 CAD Game Length:…
Sit, Stay, Beg: Enjoying Pup Play Without the Gear
A big thing that has held me back from really embracing pup play until now, aside from the unfortunate internalized shame feels around being a furry and stuff, has been that I still don’t have a pup hood, paws, a tail, or literally any other of the kink pieces. But if there’s one thing that…
Murrtube: Finally A Tube Porn Site for Furries and Fursuiters
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I fucking love furry porn! But while it’s relatively easy to find porn comics and lewd art it’s surprisingly more difficult to find a lot of good quality non-animated content given that most is literally buried under a mountain of other erotic genres. I mean, sure,…