Now that I’ve started HRT, I’ve been noticing that a lot of the anxieties, insecurities, and triggers I’d been experience prior to, and during, sexual intimacy were heavily influenced by internalized transphobia and queerphobia that I still carry with me after all of these years. It’s hard to unlearn that, and break free from those shackles, but it’s worth the effort. The confidence and comfort of just being me, emotionally vulnerable and physically aroused, is back in pretty full swing and with that has come the opportunities to intimately reconnect with my husband to be, Fenric, in really affirming and hot as fuck ways.
Lately it’s look at little like this: my boy, partially naked, playing his favourite video games, while I touch, caress, and cuddle him into the late twilight hours. I bring him tea, snacks, tell him how much I love him and what a good boy he is. Sometimes he lays in my lap, controller in hand, and slowly sucks my cock. If he’s particularly horny, he climbs on top of of me, taking me deep, grinding against me, wiggling his hips, and clenching his bussy as I throb and drip inside of him.
It can go on like this for an hours some nights, but it always ends the same way… when I feel him convulse around me, when I feel my cum fill him up and spill out over me, and sleep finally enters our eyes, dragging them closed. Our sexy little T4T ritual now complete.

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