[CW: a glimpse of girl cock]
I don’t know about you but I personally find that almost everything out there written on group sex of any kind is, like, aggressively gendered, cisnormative, and heteronormative. Even when resources try to be as inclusive as they can… they just aren’t. That’s why page after page, search result after search result, yields a sea of Female-Female-Male (FFM) or Male-Female-Male (MFM) centric guides that more often than not completely and utterly ignore the existence of queer and trans folks.
And that kinda sucks.
I mean, even when you find the odd article that DOES acknowledge that maybe, just maybe, gay and lesbian people have threesomes too, it’s still cisnormative as fuck. All the “gay men” are assumed to have penises and all the “lesbian women” are assumed to have vaginas. With very rare exceptions, these pieces make absolutely no effort whatsoever to include, let alone acknowledge the very existence of trans men, trans women, non-binary folks, or gender nonconforming individuals of any kind really.
And that extra fucking sucks!
So, while this won’t be perfect, here’s an attempt at getting something else out there. Here are 5 threesome positions that any group of horny folks can enjoy regardless of what genitals they have:
The Side-by-Side-By-Side
Kicking it off simple: each partner lays down side-by-side in bed (or on the couch or in your tent or on the fucking beach, whatever) and everybody masturbates together!
Now, I hear what you’re saying “that’s just mutual masturbation, Nillin!” And you’re absolutely right, it is just mutual masturbation. Only this time, there’s fucking three of you!!! Alright? That’s fucking awesome!
Seriously though, if you haven’t given group mutual masturbation a go, you totally should.
The Give and Take
Okay, so, take the whole laying down together to masturbate thing from the last point, only this time you masturbate each other. This can be done either by hand or with toys, it’s up to y’all, but it will take some creative arm overlapping. That and a whole lot of communicating what feels good to the person touching you while listening to the directions they give for what feels good to them.
It really is excellent practice for expressing your needs and following sexual directions from your partner(s).
More often than not, this is how group masturbation goes for my partners and I. We’ll all be getting really into masturbating together. We’re listening to each other moan, watching each other pleasure ourselves, and then somebody’s hand innevitably wanders in-between the person’s legs next to them and BOOM… we’re into the give and take.
The Live Show
Person 1 and Person 2 make-out, hump, and/or play with each other while Person 3 watches and pleasures themself. Alternatively, a single individual can put on some sort of sexual show, be it by performing a strip-tease or playing with themselves, while the others watch. Regardless of the exact arrangement, the general idea is that both voyeurism and exhibitionism is being explored and played with in a safe, consensual environment.
The Dirty Talker
Probably one of my favorites. Person 1 lays down while Person 2 gives them oral sex, or masturbates them (whatever), and Person 3 whispers dirty talk in their ear. It doesn’t sound the most exciting thing when written out but holy fuck is it hot while it’s happening.
I’m usually Person 3, talking dirty to one of my partners while the other goes down on them, and it’s seriously amazing. Nothing beats having that opportunity to caress and kiss your partner while you whisper filthy fantasies in their ear and watch their hips slowly buck with pleasure in the hands of your other partner.
Mmm, am I right?
The Eyes Wide Shut
This one requires a blindfold or some sort of fabric, like a soft scarf. Person 1 has their eyes covered as Person 2 and Person 3 go to town playing with them. This can, but does not have to, involve a variety of toys and/or stimulant items like feathers, ticklers, massagers, different kinds of gloves, oils, creams, ice, etc. The general idea here is to tease, please, explore, and, with some practice, edge the person whose eyes are covered until they orgasm or feel like its time to stop.
Depending on everybody’s comfort levels, some light bondage play and BDSM can be introduced here as well! Be sure to look into things like restraints, clamps, floggers, paddles, crops, clothespins, and rope. For more on kink play check out Taylor J. Mace‘s kink guides on gloves, rope bondage, and handcuffs and restraints.
Do you have any other non-penetrative, gender neutral types of group sex that you’ve tried and loved? Share it in the comments below!