He thinks that I don’t hear him out there, shuffling around. I know he’s taking pictures of himself again. Reaching out from behind the shower curtain I grab a firm handful of his tit while he’s in the middle of his little shoot. He gasps, giggles and leans into my grasp just as I pinch…
Author: MxNillin
Mine to Mark
He’s mine. All of him. And it brings me great pleasure to be his caretaker. To warm his tea, to make his food, to rub his sore leggies, bathe him, tuck him in, shower him with love and affection. It’s by taking very good care of my soft, sweet pup that he then takes care…
Jerking Off With Trans Queer Boys and Enbies
One of my biggest non-monogamy needs has always been to have casual jerk off pals. I love the idea of getting picked up late night by a cute queer boy or enby, sitting in the passenger seat where I start to playfully touch and stroke myself under my skirt, making small talk as I’m driven…
Non-Monogamy Is Really Important to Me
I’ve been wanting to write this post for a quite while, but have put it off because I was worried it might feel, or even just seem like, I’m trying to justify myself as a non-monogamous person vs celebrating it. That’s what I want to do here, celebrate my nonmonogamy while providing insight into my…
A Trail of Pleasure
My favourite part of Fen jerking me off, other than Fen jerking me off, is that moment immediately after when I’m just laying there, buzzing happily, and I glance down. Nothing fills me with good pleasure feels quite like seeing a glorious mess of cum all over my tummy and chest. It always feel so…