I really fucking love these shots. The look of bliss on my face as Fenric strokes my chin, the view of them straddling my hips as they ride my girl dick, the memories it all invokes of an exciting weekend away together, there’s just so much to fucking love about these.
Besides, I’ve been having a lot of rough body and gender feels lately, but pics like these help a ton. I feel good here! I feel sexy and cute and I love the way I look like I’m just fucking melting from pleasure. Fen’s had that affect on me a lot lately, and their ability to capture all of these hot, candid queer moments has gone a long way in helping me appreciate and see myself from the perspective of my partners and lovers.
I may not always feel banging, but it’s visuals like this that remind me I’m pretty fucking hot!
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Oh mate….. that picture with Kismet touching your beard is so fucking hot. You look beautiful, wild, erotic, sexy as all fuck
See! Silly Nilly… you are loved and hot and loved by hot folx!
You’re right! And yet, despite ALL of this overwhelming evidence my brain continues to just be a right dick to me about it! Ugh. I’m developing coping plans though and trying to lean into the all the evidence of how into me folks are though!
great memories to have. They look absolutely beautiful and the touch of your chinny chin very sexy.
They’re SO stunning, right!?