Welcome to Day 19 of February Photofest 2019 on MxNillin.com
Honestly, this whole month has been the most comfortable I’ve felt in my own skin in a long time. I genuinely feel the social nudism time I’ve spent with Toto, both of us just being naked while writing together and photographing each other for hours at a time, has really helped me see and appreciate myself in new ways.
Going into this I had NO intention of sharing all of my imperfections so candidly. I had NO intention of posting any pics of my big tummy or thick thighs unless they looked exactly how I wanted them to (at such impossible ideals of course). NO intention of posting anything with any “double chin”, or “muffin top”, and sure as fuck nothing with any of my visible body acne, yet here I am proudly sharing all of these imperfect images and it’s all thanks to the time I spent cultivating a radically body positive friendship with Toto and trusting them with photographing me.
It’s been worth it, for a LOT of reasons! One of the biggest is that they’ve shown me a confident, fabulous, colorful, unapologetic Mx Nillin that not only have y’all never seen before… but I’VE never seen before! And that feels pretty amazing.
Don’t forget to check back tomorrow for a new photo! To see unused pics from this month, advanced previews of posts, and behind the scenes content, become a patron on my Patreon.
And be sure to click the February Photofest 2019 logo below to see pics from other bloggers participating in this year’s event!
This photo, this post, all of it makes me really happy.
Joy begets joy!
This picture is adorable and I’m so happy the month has been so good to you!
Thank you so much! I almost didn’t post this pic but I’m actually REALLY glad I did!