We’re getting close to spooky season again (the BEST time of the year) so I’ve been on the hunt for new monster and creature themed fantasy sex toys to feature on the blog. Enter: Love Smiths! I reviewed another product of theirs over a year ago, the Gnome masturbator, that has remained a favourite ever since but their shop now has a whole bunch of new dildos, masturbators, butt plugs, and accessories to peruse.
After reaching out to them I was offered two toys to review. I’ll be covering both but first up is the Werewolfess, who comes with a great little bit of lore on her product page:
“You might have heard legends of its coming many moons ago. Its birth was announced to the world as a near event by blinded oracles but fate decided that its release into the world would have to wait. After a long wait, the Werewolfess is finally ready to roam the earth. She Climbs trees for a far-reaching view and you might see her tail disappearing in the bushes or if you are silent enough you might get close enough for a glimpse of her bountiful tits…“
How It Looks:
This was an immediate win as soon as I saw it listed on Love Smiths site. The Werewolfess looks fucking fantastic! The contrast of a hot pink underbelly against the dark coat (a mixture of Love Smiths “Andromeda”, “Neptune”, and “Night” colours) is genuinely stunning and no photos that I’ve seen, or taken myself, really do it justice. You definitely have to see it in person to fully appreciate how sleek and cool a design and colouration that it has.
Details of the eight breasts and the penetrable entrance are also impressive. There’s so much texture to the toy between the ridges, bumps, and fur markings, making it look and feel more authentic for your monster sex desires. It’s always impressed me how far along the quality of fantasy sex toys have come and Love Smiths is absolutely among the top in the field here.
While you are able to customize any product to your own liking, the two base options provided are pretty cool. I opted for their Legendary design (what you see pictured here in the review) but there is also a lighter version that mixes pearlescent greens, blues and purples called Heroic. Both also glow in the dark! Make sure that you check out the pictures and videos of that on the product page before you order, or contact them directly should custom colours be more to your liking.
How It Feels:
I was worried at first because the entrance for the toy sits at a wide 2.8 cm, or 1.1 inches, and I’m not that thick, so, there was a very real risk that it wouldn’t be satisfying for me. Luckily, that wasn’t an issue at all! Not only did I glide right in (I’m just shy of the entrance measurements) but because I was sent the Werewolfess in a soft firmness there was a lot versatility for how to squeeze and position it during use. This allowed for a range of unique sensations that usually just aren’t possible with medium or hard firmness sleeves.
It isn’t something I’ve experienced before, but I’m fucking sold on the soft masturbators now!

My typical go to is placing my hand on the other end of the masturbator to create a vacuum that sucks on my cock in just the right way, and that works really well with the Werewolfess as well. But for added fun and fantasy play I also recommend holding onto the tail tail while doing this, creating a fun experience of actually fucking some monster pussy.
And don’t forget about the multiple tits too! Not only are they fun to plan with while you’re stroking, but if you lube them up then they also make for a pretty decent grindable to rub your cock against too. The amount of ways you can get off with this toy is, frankly, impressive. I’ve historically had mixed results with being able to orgasm with masturbators but with the Werewolfess it’s nearly every single time.
The Final Word:
With it’s polished design, amazing textures, appealing base colours, and flexibility, I can’t recommend the Werewolfess enough. The price point may be a challenge for some though. I’m a disabled trans queer on low income and it’s €125.00 cost at full price when converted with current exchange rates (as of September 2024) amounts to a potentially restrictive $221.28 CAD or $162.91 USD. As a Canadian, our dollar has been really fucking weak for a while now meaning that pretty much everything is expensive as fuck, and sex toys have increasingly become inaccessible to me with food and gas prices also through the goddamn roof.
All of that being said, the cost is honestly fair in comparison to the rest of the market, especially considering the quality of the product. So, if you have the funds to available to treat yourself you cannot go wrong with the Werewolfess! A well-earned 5 out of 5 stars!
Be sure to pick up your copy of my latest book How Do I Sexy? A Guide for Trans and Nonbinary Queers online or from your local queer owned indie bookstore!
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