[CW: the post is filled with sexually explicit, NSFW pics of girl cock.] Welcome to the LONG overdue fourth installment of “Mx Nillin Fucks…”, a blog post series in which I stick my girl cock inside a wide variety of inanimate objects, mostly foods so far, as masturbatory aids and then write about how that…
Author: MxNillin
Three Lessons I Learned When One of My Favorite Sex Workers Retired
I’m horrible with loss. It’s shitty and I suck at dealing with it. So, when one of my absolute favorite clip sellers recently announced that they would be shutting down their Amateur Porn store, and planned to completely stop selling videos and pics altogether… that made me sad as fuck. Especially since one of their…
Queer Dissociation: My Sixth Birthday Out of the Closet
[NOTE: Hey peeps, just a heads up that this is more of a personal, rambling piece on queerness, dissociation, and birthdays.] So, it’s my birthday today and I’ve got pretty messed up feels about it tbh. It’s not that I hate birthdays, or even that I dislike them, It’s more that they’re just a…
Why I Don’t Put a Period After the “Mx” In “Mx Nillin”
Fact: the vast majority of people I have interacted with throughout my life do not respect, or even acknowledge most of the terminology I used to describe myself, or that other non-binary or gender nonconforming people use for themselves either. Also fact: most people will either pointedly, defensively, or aggressively, work to undermine the language…
The 30-year-old Queer
I feel like I’m in a weird, often conflicting, headspace about my gender and sexuality lately. On one hand, this is the first time that I have ever fully embraced myself as being queer as fuck and I am doing so during what is undoubtedly my sexual prime. So, yay! On the other hand, I’m…