I know that my partner loves me very much. I know from how they cuddle up to me every night as I fall asleep. I know from how they tenderly kiss me awake every morning. I know from how they help me pick out clothes on days that I feel particularly dysphoric. I know from…
Author: MxNillin
I’m That Angry Queer
So, it dawned on me recently that I think I’ve been, like, subconsciously going back into the closet… Over the past two months I have been dressing less and less femme, I’ve been very sporadically wearing bras (when I had previously been wearing them every day), I’m not shaving very often (going weeks with stubble),…
5 Surprisingly Cool Benefits to Mutual Masturbation
Happy Mid-Masturbation month, y’all! I know I’m a little late to the party already but I’ve been busy looking after my mental health and, well, masturbating. Also, mapping out what to write about for the next couple of weeks. Not only am I midway through eating my own cum every day this month (and tracking…
4 More Awesome Hardcore Furry Femboy Porn Comics
[UPDATE: Due to the massive Tumblr ban on adult content in late 2018 many of the links shared in this post are now broken or dead. Please read this new post 4 Incredible Hardcore Furry Femboy Porn Comic Artists, instead!] If you read and enjoyed my first post on femboy furry sex comics back…
Mx Nillin Fucks… A Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwich
Welcome to the third installment of “Mx Nillin Fucks…”, a new blog post series in which I stick my girl cock inside a wide variety of inanimate objects, mostly foods so far, as masturbatory aids and then write about how that goes. I have no idea what is or isn’t going to make me orgasm,…