DISCLAIMER: Exercise caution when handling hot foods! Do NOT put your genitals onto or into fresh baked goods without allowing for adequate cooling time first. Welcome to the first installment of “Mx Nillin Fucks…”, a new blog post series in which I stick my girl cock inside a wide variety of inanimate objects as masturbatory…
Author: MxNillin
A Case for Traps, Sissies, Femboys, and Crossdressers
[CW: this post contains sexually explicit, NSFW art] I get it. We’re all trying to survive in a world that generally irrationally hates and fears everything that isn’t white, cisgender, heterosexual, and male. But I feel that it’s important not to invalidate or denigrate other vulnerable groups by playing into the ignorance of the majority…
MxNillin’s Crash Pad Series Site Review
Navigating adult entertainment as a gender diverse individual, either online or offline, can be a pretty dehumanizing and disheartening experience much of the time. While I can find a lot of content featuring trans women performers with ease, unfortunately, practically ALL of it is laced in blatantly transphobic and transmisogynistic terminology. Go to any major…
Review: Rococo Royalle and the Lust Garden
Back in May of 2016 I was in a pretty rough spot in my life emotionally and psychologically. I felt trapped in my transition as a non-binary person and I was feeling a lot of confusion, frustration, and some pretty heavy shame about my body and sexuality. There was a lot of unpacked, unresolved sexual…
Closets, Sex, and Closet Sex
My heart pounded in my chest as he leaned past me to close his closet door. We sat on our bent legs, facing each other, so that our eyes were level. He was excited, and so was I. “You be the girl, okay?” he said. I felt his hands slide around my waist, pulling both…