Welcome to Day 21 of February Photofest 2020 on mxnillin.com! Centering queer lewdness and hardcore genderfuckery.
Read 2019’s Day 21 post here: “Silly Is Sexy”
I often have a really shitty relationship with my body, and it’s something that I want to challenge a fuckton more this year. Generally speaking I find myself attracted to a lot of diverse body types, and if there’s one thing I always appreciate on other people its an adorably, fluffy, comfy tummy.
I just love bellies. Love laying on them, snuggling them, kissing them during sexy times, and cumming all over them whenever I can. Yet when it comes to my own stomach I’m unreasonably, meanly critical of it.
In the spirit of breaking harmful thinking and challenging that inner bully, here’s a pic of my cum covered tummy, that I wasn’t sucking it in for, which my partner loves but that makes me feel super fucking vulnerable. Trying to see what they see here!
If you have any sexy affirmations, please share ’em below!
Be sure to check out all of the sexy content from other bloggers participating in February Photofest 2020 by clicking the badges below.
Oh, this post speaks to me so much. I can really relate to what you say. I love seeing round soft bellies on others (I am also into many diverse body types), but when it comes to my own belly, I’d rather hide it. It is probably my least favourite part of my body. You look lovely here!
I hate my belly, yet when I see other women shaped like me, I find them terribly sexy. we are far to hard on ourselves and too often hold ourselves to a ridiculous standard.
You are adorable…tummy and all.