Welcome to Day 2 of February Photofest 2023, a month long lewd photo event organized by Molly Moore of Molly’s Daily Kiss! To see what I posted in past years, you can check out the 2022, 2020, and 2019 galleries right here on the blog. And be sure to bookmark the February Photofest 2023 tag to see every single new posts going up each day this month!
When it really comes down to it, I’d say my biggest insecurity is definitely around my stomach. I’ve always felt like I’ve been “too big” and that negative self-image has absolutely held me back a lot at time in my social and romantic pursuits. Lucky for me, my partners are a huge fan of it and consider my size to be a plus, especially on the cuddling front!
Fen in particular likes to rub, snuggle, kiss, and nibble on my tummy, all while softly speaking compliments as xe also teases and strokes my cock. It’s a regular form of praise that goes a long way toward helping me feel like the cute and sexy queer xe sees me as.
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I think bellies are wonderful things, and yours is gorgeous.
Aw thank you so much! I’m starting to like it more and more as well, but the affirmations help tons still!