It’s no surprise that I’m a big fan of Funkybun and On Full Display is hands down one of my favorite sex comics of all time, right up there with the likes of A Show of the Ropes by Glopossum and just about everything from InCase. Lucky for all of us there are follow-ups and while they are not as long as the original, they still manage to be truly hot as fuck!
In Light’s Out we pick up at some point not long after the events of On Full Display. Martin is having a bit of a gay panic and existential identity crisis over his dick getting sucked by Rose and being turned on by her so much. As a gay man, it feels a little threatening to his identity and he’s having some feels about it. Fortunately, his good bisexual friend Adam, who also got a great blowjob from Rose at the same time as Martin, has plenty words of affirmations to give.
Sleeping in the messy guest room of some house after losing their last volleyball game of the season, the two think back to that night when they enjoyed casual group sex with some of their friends. This leads Adam to suggest that they watch some more of the porn that Rose and her girlfriend Sophie made. As the two sit in their sleeping bags, their cocks getting harder just out of view of one another, Adam eventually puts the phone down and asks Martin if it would be okay for him to masturbate. It isn’t long before they are both jerking off together, then jerking each other off and cumming all over themselves, before contently cuddling up for the night.
Like with all of their content, Funkybun is on the ball with depicting enthusiastic consent throughout. Adam asks Martin if he is comfortable with things every step of the way, and does not proceed until hearing a direct yes, or seeing an approving head-nod. It’s really great to see this level of communication, consideration, and sexual safety shown in sex comics. I also appreciate seeing Martin’s identity crisis depicted so compassionately. Meanwhile, Adam’s assertion of his bisexuality and insistence that Rose’s gender as a woman should be respected, even in hard or confusing conversations around sexuality, were nice little touches.
As an added bonus of extra sweet content, their one-on-one mutual masturbation finally leads Martin to ask Adam about officially going on a date too! It’s a really sweet and genuine moment.

Unlike Light’s Out, which I’m a little uncertain on exactly where it fits in timing wise, Aftermath clearly picks up immediately from the volleyball game shown at the end of On Full Display. Martin and Adam see Rose heading off after the game and run to catch up with her, asking if she might accompany them somewhere a little more discreet.
Once the three of them find a corner to tuck off into, which manages to still be extremely public (though nobody sees them), Adam expresses how excited he and Martin still are from their fun night of group play and asks if they can get a closer look at the very tight athletic shorts that Rose has on. She agrees, and even allows the boys to touch her a bit, before slowing things down a little as things start to heat up. Rather than have full on sex in a hallway, she instead shows the boys her hard cock and lets them both jerk off into her shorts while she’s wearing them. Once Adam and Martin have absolutely covered her erection and the inside of her shorts with cum, Rose pulls them up and walks off, enjoying the thrill of the mess she’s carrying with her.

While not as in depth as their predecessor, Light’s Out and Aftermath still manage to be really hot and fun side-stories about Rose and her horny friends. I especially liked the character development for Adam and Martin in Lights Out and appreciated the very real depictions of insecurity and uncertainty around sexual identity when facing new desires.
With the continuation of themes around voyeurism, exhibitionism, consensual sex, and ethical nonmonogamy, I sincerely hope we get additional content with all of these characters! It would be really cool if Sophie was present next time, and if Veronica and her partner Zoe get some attention because they are extremely cute and hot. I’d definitely like to see more of them too!
In the meantime, be sure to follow Funkybun on Twitter, Furaffinity, and consider supporting their outstanding work on Patreon as well.
And if you’re looking for more furry porn comic recommendations check out these 4 Incredibly Furry Femboy Porn Comic Artists, then these 5 Queer Furry Porn Artists, and finally these 4 Queer and Bisexual Furry Porn Comic Artists as well!
Morning masturbation