[CW: this post continues sexually explicit images]
As mentioned in the new post from last week, 2018 was fucking rough, friends. Sure, there was a LOT of great things, but there was a lot of shit things too (REALLY shit) and despite the overall positive outlook I’m trying to have, it ain’t changing the fact that my emotional stress and depression levels have been through the fucking roof.
As a result, I feel that my nudes and lewds taking enthusiam went through some pretty big peaks and valleys too.
Still, from bananas in my butt to messy cumshots, there were plenty of hot as fuck shots over the last 12-months! Here are some of my favorites:
[NOTE: be sure to also check out my favorite nudes of 2017 and of 2016 too.]
My Clone Cock from Mx Nillin Fucks… Themselves!
To celebrate the 1-year anniversary of my popular post series I was lucky enough to snag a sponsorship from Clone-A-Willy so that I could mold and copy my girl cock. The result was not only one of my favorite posts of the year, but also some pretty great comparison pics between the toy and the real thing.
Fucking a Teddy Bear
These were probably some of my lewdest for the series this year, and rightfully so because I seriously fucked the stuffing outta that thing! I really love how my girl cock looks here though and it’s an EXTREMELY rare occasion of me showing my adorable lady balls too.
‘Bating With Bananas
Okay, last pics from the Mx Nillin Fucks posts this year. While jerking off with socks was really great, nothing beats the absurdity of wanking with banana peels and putting a unripe banana in my butt. I mean, come on! Lol
Cum Shots!
I LOVE cum shots. Not only because I love cum in general, and I love how fucking messy they are, and how fucking hot it feels as stream after stream pours onto me, but I also love how cum photographs. The unruly and unique way it lands each time. How it looks glistening in various lights. How different and subversive it looks on various surfaces like a hardwood floor, somebodies body, leather shoes, on food, in water, and so on and so fucking forth.
Here are my 3 favorite post-bating messes of the year!
Fat, Hairy, Full Body Enby Nudes
As much as I’ve touted the importance of self-love and bodily acceptance, when it comes to my own body I tend to be REALLY fucking harsh. Like, bordering on just awful to myself.
For those who’ve been seeing my nudes for quite a while, either here or on Twitter, you’ve likely noticed at some point that the vast majority of my pics don’t often show me completely naked. In fact, up until very recently if I planned to show my belly or chest at all then I made sure I was wearing a dress, shirt, sweater, whatever.
Yep, that’s very intentional.
But, I mean, I’m regularly having incredible threesomes with my partners, recently got to fuck my hot sex blogger friend, and people definitely want to see me naked (my nudes and lewds page got over 8,000 views this year) so clearly there are plenty of peeps who find me sexy.
Time to stop being such a fuck to myself and celebrate my bod, because it’s fucking hot!
Here’s to continued sexy times and being an even bigger, and PROUDER, slutty queer in 2019!