It’s that time of year again where I get to reflect on all of my favourite content here on the blog over this past year! 2022, like the last couple of years for me, was equal parts tumultuous and incredible. I found myself struggling with sever feelings of inadequacy and insecurity amidst a handful of toxic relationships, but I also met my incredible partner Fen and found empowerment in my sexuality, gender identity, and mental health!
I also honestly feel like I wrote some of the absolute best content on the blog this year.
Here I’ve compiled a list of the 12 I’m most proud of, and that I received a great deal of feedback about from others who found them empowering, affecting, and enlightening. I hope you’ll give them a look, re-read the ones you may have earlier in the year, and check out the ones you missed!
1. Why I’m Getting a Vasectomy [03/18/2022] – “All in all, I think that I’ve really found my calling, my passion, my purpose, if you will, and getting a vasectomy will be a substantial step toward ensuring that I can continue to live the life that I want to live, with the people I want to be with, doing the work that I want to do.”
2. What Falling in Love For the First Time in Decades Feels Like [04/12/2022] – “I’m just going to go along on the ride! Elation, anxiety, and all! Being in love is new, it’s exciting, it’s scary… and it’s never felt this right.”
3. I Need More of Me: Fat Queer Positivity [04/21/2022] – “I don’t see fat, hairy queers in their mid-30s or older being depicted as sexual beings, let alone as having desirable bodies to others, or being in fulfilling emotional relationships. And it’s that very lack of representation that makes it very difficult for me to counter negative self-talk with positive reinforcement.”
4. A Queer With a Beard [05/01/2022] – “There’s a real sort of power to being a fat, hairy, bearded human who blatantly, and self-assuredly embraces their gender non-conformity and fuckery. It’s something I’ve seen in some others and strive to embody in myself as well.”
5. How Dysphoria Feels to Me as a Nonbinary Queer [06/23-2022] – “It’s weird feeling like something isn’t quite right about your body, yet having absolutely no idea of how to quantify or qualify that because there’s no comparison to go off of. Generally, it just feels real fucking bad. That’s what dysphoria is like for me.”
6. I’m A Switchy Bitch; What BDSM and Being Kinky Means to Me [07/22/2022] – “Despite my best efforts, I never seemed capable of being the fulfilling, confident Dom that previous partners had desired in our relationships, and yet I’ve always kind of felt expected to just fit the mold of one.”
7. Coping When Multiple Polyamory Breakups Happen [08/17/2022] – “Of course, none of this is a magical fix. I hope that the big takeaway you get here is to just be kind to, and patient with, yourself right now. This is rough, and it blows, but you’ll make it through stronger and ideally with a better understanding of yourself and your needs.”
8. Getting Intimate With My Autistic Ass [08/24/2022] – “I have no intentions of stressing about masking any of this in order to please or fulfill others, and should I encounter people who have issues with these things things then I don’t intend on continuing those bonds. Instead, I promise myself to wholly centre the right people for me who will love, accept, and want me for who I am, as I am. Not some other version of me that they want and expect me to be.”
9. 5 Queer Furry Porn Artists to Read [09/23/2022] – “One of the most popular posts on this site is hands down 4 Incredible Furry Femboy Comic Artists, but that was posted years ago and there have been so much more outstanding furry sex comics that have come out since then. In the spirit of keeping up, and broadening the scope for 2022, here are 5 queer furry porn artists you should absolutely start reading right now!”
10. Exploring New Identities [10/05/2022] – “Like with every other period of personal change, I tend to enter into pretty extensive self-reflective mode for a while after emotional upheaval occurs and a huge part of that often includes thinking about my sexual, emotional, romantic, and relationship needs and wants.”
11. For Sex Bloggers: Thoughtfully Removing an Ex From Your Blog [10/19/2022] – “One of the things I’ve always said to everyone who has ever appeared on the blog with me, including partners, friends, lovers, and even exes, is that should they ever decide they don’t want to be on here anymore, be that days, weeks, months, or even years from now, I will absolutely 100% respect those wishes.”
12. I Wish I Were AFAB Transmasc [11/02/2022] – “Maybe it’s controversial to say but, I think that a big part of it is I’m also that queer who wishes that they had both a penis and a vagina. Like, in an ideal life I would have been born female, with both genitalia, and then transitioned as a nonbinary, genderqueer trans man. I’d be this adorable, short, curvy, hairy queer with a dick and pussy, and cute, perky, little hairy tits.”